Sunday, March 30, 2008

God is Speaking - July 20, 2006

Here's an earlier inspirational encouragement before the blog. Look for more to come. Enjoy!

I am so glad to be back (this is my faith speaking..............LOL). The Living Word is so right. God is always speaking, but are we always listening...................... I pray I am always tuned into what God is saying (this is my faith speaking); I am calling those things to be not as though they are. There's a scripture in the Bible that states 'My sheep know my voice, and a voice of a stranger they'll not follow'. We can confess our faith that we know His voice and any other voice we'll not follow. There's the voice of God, the voice of self, voice of fear, and voice of demons. One way I know that it is God speaking to me is that it lines up with His Word. There's was a lady in this area a while back that stated that God told her to kill her grandchildren. Now, do you believe this was the voice of God???? No! His Word says 'Thou shalt not kill'. This does not line up with His Word, so this woman should have known, if she's a true child of God, that this was not God speaking to her. If a voice is telling you to be rude, ugly, to do harm to someone, it's not God. Alot of times we are not listening to the Voice of the Lord (ouch hallelujah!). I am speaking to myself first. But with the confession that I know my Father's voice, and a voice of a stranger I'll not follow will help me to remember to first evaluate the voice (or thought), and figure out who is generating that voice/thought. Is it me; is it God or is it some other outside force.

Did you put your armor on today????

Be Encouraged Today!!!!!!

Our Heavenly Home

Jesus is still on the throne. He is seated at the right hand of the Father ever making intercession for us. Jesus is for us; and if He is for us, there is nothing and no one who can successfully be against us. I am so glad that I belong to Him, aren't you. Bless it be the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
John 14:3 says that when everything is ready, our Lord will come get us so that we may be with Him wherever He is. How do we prepare to be ready when He comes to get us? We must confess with our mouth that Jesus is Lord over our lives, and believe in our hearts that He died on the cross for our sins, and that He arose on that third day. This the beginning. We just celebrated the resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus. We must also not forsake the assembling of ourselves as we see the day of the Lord approaching. Everyday that goes by is a day closer to the Lord's return. We must not forsake the assembling, going to church, as this is what the Word of God commands, and this helps us to increase in our faith and maturity level in Christ. When Jesus returns, He will look to see if He finds faith. My sister was saying this morning in church that this world is not our home; we have a heavenly home. She's right! This isn't our home; we have a heavenly home with our Father God. We should not be pursuing the things of this world, but we should seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto to us. It's not that God doesn't want us to enjoy things of the earth; He has given everything in the earth to us anyway. He is a good Father that gives good gifts unto His children.
Believe it or not, there is a heaven and a hell. There is a God and a satan. Choose you this day whom you will serve. Jesus is coming back for those who belong to Him. I would rather serve God, even if I wasn't sure. Some say 'There is no God' - but what if there is? What if all of this is really true? Would you take the chance of being left behind? I know that there is heaven and a hell; a God and a devil. I know this. I have made up my mind to serve the Lord. I have a better quality of life than when I was in the world. This is enough for me. But I also know that Jesus died for me. He bore sickness and disease for me; He went to hell for me. He did all of these things for me. The least I can do is to serve Him, to love Him. There's a better quality of life for us who serve Him. I urge you this day to get your life right with God. I'll keep saying this until I'm raptured up to be with Him. I'll keep reminding you that Jesus is coming, and He's coming soon. I wish not for you to be reading this after He has come and gone, and say to yourself 'Why didn't I listen; Why didn't I take the time to prepare myself to go my Heavenly Home'. There will be some in the church who will be saying those very things because they chose to "play church". They did not get serious about the things of God. It's sad to say that they to will be left behind. Please do not delay in this matter! It is imperative that you get it right and get it right right now! Jesus is coming...........................He's coming soon. Are you on your way to your heavenly home?
Did you put your armor on today????
Be Encouraged Today!!!!!!!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Thus Said The Lord!

I love each and every one of you. Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Continue to fight the good fight of faith. Remember in all you do acknowledge Him, and he will direct your path. We are the righteousness of God through Christ Jesus who lives us. We are more than conquerors in Him who loves us. We win! Don't let anyone or your circumstances tell you that God isn't real. He's the reason we are still standing; He'd the reason we're still here. Some say or our circumstances would seem to suggest that we give up and die. Today has been set before us life and death; we have chosen life that we might live in Him. We have made the chose to say what He says concerning our situation. He says that His mercies are new every morning and His grace is sufficient for us; He says that He will supply all of our needs according to His riches in glory through Christ Jesus; He says that whatever we set our hands to prosper; He says that we are the healed; He says that we have been made rich in Him; He says that we can have the desires of our hearts; He says that if we can believe, then all things are possible to him that believe; He says that we can speak to mountains in our lives (debt, sickness, whatever) and it shall be remove; He says that no weapon formed against us shall prosper; He says that greater is He that is in us than he that is in this world; He says that because He is for us that no one and nothing can successfully be against us; He says that whatever we bind on earth is bound in heaven, whatever we loose on earth is loose in heaven; He says that we are victorious; therefore we win!

Be Blessed of the Lord!

Did you put your armor on today!

Be Encouraged Today!