Hello All:
Prayer is not magic; it’s miraculous. You see magic is the invoking of the supernatural through spells and charms, but miracles are acts of God. Do you still believe that God is in the “business” of performing miracles? If so, then you believe that God can do anything, that He can deliver you out of anything, and that He will see you through anything victoriously. And anything is anything which is all things. But God doesn’t “magically poofs” things into our lives (laps). Can He? I believe that God can do anything He wants, anything that we have need of or that we can think of. But that’s not how God operates when it comes to our prayers. God is moved by our faith; according to your faith (his/her) be it unto you. Our faith in God makes things happen. Just like the centurion, in Matthew 8, that came to Jesus and told him of his ill servant. Jesus was going to go and heal the centurion’s servant, but the centurion said all that Jesus had to do was say that his servant was healed and he would believe. In verse 13, Jesus told the centurion to go and it will be done just as you believe it would be. According to the centurion’s faith his servant’s healing was brought forth. The same can be done with us too. And it’s not just with healing, but in every area of our lives.
Also when we pray not only are we to believe that we can/will receive (releasing our faith), but our faith without works is dead so says the Word of God. I remember a woman came into the church needing a move of God in her body as well as her home. She hadn’t been to church in awhile, but we prayed for her, and told her to come to church; if not ours, then a church that is preaching the whole truth of God’s Word. Well Sunday after Sunday, Wednesday after Wednesday came and went, and we never saw her. I called to check on her and to encourage her, and I asked if she been to church; no, she hadn’t. A lot of times people begin to pray when things are going wrong, when they should have been confessing and praying even when things are going good. But they come for prayer thinking that the man/woman of God are going to pray some “magical” words of God, and that which they are needing will magically appear. But prayer isn’t magic, and faith without works is dead. She needed a moved of God, but wouldn’t even come to church. Some people can need a Word or a move of God yet they won’t come to church; they won’t search out God’s Word to see it has to say concerning their situation and speak it out of their mouths, or they won’t tithe (you are cursed with a curse), but they expect God to move on their behalf. When the man/woman of God prays and the persons needing the move or word prayers aren’t answered, then they want to blame the man/woman of God when the blame lies with them and them alone.
Prayer is not some charm or spells chanted to get God’s attention. It is a gateway to the throne room of God; it’s a way of communicating our requests to God, and an avenue to cultivate and maintain our relationship with Him. Through our relationship with Him, we become the righteousness of God; and being the righteousness of God; we can boldly enter the throne room of God and make our request(s) known.
The qualification for having your prayer answered is found in Psalms 91:
14 "Because he loves me," says the LORD, "I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name.
15 He will call upon me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him.
16 With long life will I satisfy him and show him my salvation."
16 With long life will I satisfy him and show him my salvation."
Those who love the Lord and acknowledge His name will have their prayers answered; and in loving and acknowledging Him, you will live for Him and keep all of His commandments. Prayer is not magic. Our prayers are answered as an act of God through love moved by our faith.
Did you put your armor on today?
Be Encouraged Today!