Yes we are going to do the obvious for the holiday season. I’m talking being thankful. Yes, we should be thankful every day, but this is a special day set aside jus for this; that’s why it’s called Thanksgiving – just kidding. It is a time where many people take the time to reflect on things they really are thankful for. I personally have so many things to be thankful for, and I’ll share some with you. These are not in any particular order, but as I think about them.
I’m thankful for God sending His Jesus to die on the cross for my sins. I’m thankful for His mercies that are new every morning towards me and my family, and for His grace that is sufficient for us. I’m thankful for God’s love towards me, for loving me when I wasn’t doing His Word, for His mercies – giving me a second chance.
I’m thankful for God’s Word; His Word is the only truth in my life. I choose each day to live by the truths of His Word and only His Word. His Word says:
I am the redeemed of the Lord, and I say so!
I am healed in Jesus name (By the stripes of Jesus). Healing is the children’s bread, and I am a child of God! NO plague comes near the Pirozzi’s dwelling.
I’m the righteousness in God through Christ Jesus.
That my guarding angels are encamped around me to protect me in all my ways; they hold me up with their hands least I dash my foot against a stone.
Only with my eyes shall I behold and see the reward of the wicked – I’m a spectator not a participator of the things going on in this world; I am inaccessible in Jesus name because I dwell in the secret place of the Most High God!
There is nothing that can separate me from the Love of God.
I have the authority over every thing that creeps on this earth, to call those things to be not as though they are. Whatever I bind on earth is bound in Heaven; whatever I loose on earth is loosed in Heaven!
The greater one lives on the inside of me and He is greater than the devil in this world.
God is for me and my family, and nothing and no one can successfully be against us. God is on the Pirozzi’s side; we do not fear anything!
I am not ignorant of the enemy’s devices; that which the enemy has meant for my harm God has already turned it around for my good!
I have eyes to see and ears to hear that which the Holy Spirit would have me see and hear this day. I know the voice of my Father, and a voice of a stranger I do not follow.
This is just some of the Word of God that I am thankful for. Of course, I am thankful for ALL of it, but I’m not typing the entire Bible here. But I am also thankful for my family. I am thankful for God giving me a husband that loves me, and thinks I’m hot even when I don’t feel or think I look hot! I’m thankful for a husband that can put up with me and still love me, for a husband that desires to see me happy all the time, that dwells with me according to knowledge.
I am thankful for obedient, respectful children, children that are a joy to be around not only for my husband and me, but for everyone they come in contact with. I am thankful for happy, healthy and whole children, for children that love instruction.
I am thankful for a mother that loves me in spite of my shortcomings, and is always there to encourage me. I am thankful for my sisters who are always there for me, and for a brother that has always and will always be there for me (even helped put me through college).
I am thankful for my friends who have stuck by my side no matter what. I truly believe that people that come into our lives are there for a reason, some for a season and some are lifelong friends. I am thankful for all that have crossed my path. Each has taught me something about myself; each has caused me to grow and mature and to think about others and their feelings rather than just about myself – for that I am grateful, thankful! There is so much as I just sit here and think about my life. God has truly been good to me and my family. When we were jobless, He never let poverty and lack come near our door - I am so thankful for that! He never left us nor forsaked us; He was with us even during this "down time". He, God, is faithful that promise. He promised us in His Word that He would supply ALL of our needs according to His riches in glory through Christ Jesus. He even gave us desires of our hearts during this time. We are truly blessed of the Lord! The blessing of the Lord makes us, Pirozzi's, rich in every area of our lives, and it added no sorrow.
I am truly grateful, thankful that I am the victor, and the devil loses! I win in Jesus name!
I hope that you thank the Lord everyday for the things that you are truly thankful.
Have a Happy Thanksgiving! Be blessed of the Lord!
Did you put your armor on today????
Be Encouraged Today!!!!