(This is alittle long,but it's good. So read it when you have time. I look forward to hearing your comments.)
Ok, no salutations, I’m just going to jump right into this. As you can see from the title, this could be a somewhat touchy topic for some, but for those who love the truths of God’s Word, I hope that you will be encouraged, enlightened and decide to do your very best at keeping the commandments of God. Now, I’m going to take the advice of a former pastor and good friend of mine and apologize for how anything discussed here may sound. Please understand that this is what I believe is the truth of God’s Word. I am not condemning or judging anyone; besides, God confiscated my “stoning stones” and told me I’m not fit to carry them let alone throw them. Those who read this blog know me and know that I love them, but these same people should know that I will always speak what I believe is the truth. Let us have an honest, loving, lively-spirited discussion; let’s not get offended by what others believe to be truth. If you disagree with me or anyone else, say so, but let’s say it in love.
There’s a lot we could discuss under this topic, maybe I’ll do several parts. But I want us to look at the Church’s integrity, love and the sexual sin. Yes, there are many, many, many things we could discuss here, but if I do that this post would be extremely long, and some may lose interest. Please also keep in mind that we are discussing the Church (those who profess the name of our Lord Jesus Christ), not the world.
Now, the title is the Church Reasoning Itself from the Word of God. Reasoning is defined as the basis or motive for an action, decision or conviction. So we are discussing some areas of the Church’s basis or motives for their actions and/or decisions for moving away from God’s Word. Follow? Good!
Let’s talk about integrity. Integrity is the steadfast adherence (devoted follower) to a strict moral or ethical code. Sorry for the definitions, but a lot of times we think we know what a word means, but really have no clue. When I think of the Church/Christians having integrity, I think there’s no lying, cheating or stealing; there’s no double standards. This strict moral ethical code (integrity) for us Christians is the Word of God – the B-I-B-L-E. Proverbs 11:3 states the integrity of the upright guides them, but the unfaithful are destroyed by their duplicity (deliberate deceptiveness in behavior or speech). Yes, I’m setting things up for later, but let’s continue. During my daily confession time I pray ‘Thank you Lord that I have favor with You and with man (because I keep all of His commandments – speaking my faith, for faith comes by hearing), favor encompassing me and my family as with a shield (Psalms 5:12)’. But I go on to pray ‘Not only are we highly favored of You and man, but we are people of integrity. On our jobs we do not lie, cheat or steal our way to the top because we know that promotion comes from you Lord (Psalms 75:5-7). Even in our everyday lives, we are people of integrity. We do not lie, cheat or steal to get our way or things because having integrity is pleasing in Your sight, and we know that you will bless us for walking upright before You.’ This is how I pray. But so many times we hear of people claiming to be “Christians”, and yet they steal from their employers. Now I’m not talking about taking a pen or a sticky note to write a personal note. I’ve even put a pen in my purse in haste to get out of the office before (it was in my purse when I returned). That’s not what I’m talking about. I’m talking about the people that “stock-up” on pens, paper, paperclips, sticky notes – you name it, and placing them amongst their own personal things at home, not the office. Yes, Christians do stuff like this, but we can’t do these things and think it is pleasing in God’s sight. People will say ‘Oh, they’ll never miss it’. That’s not the point; the point is that it’s stealing, and it is wrong. They, some Christians, will lie (smudge the truth) to make themselves look better for a position. Psalms 5:9 (NIV) states: Not a word from their mouth can be trusted; their heart is filled with destruction. Their throat is an open grave; with their tongue they speak deceit. This should not be said of “True Christians”. They get the position and say how God has blessed them; when it turns out more of a headache, they wonder why that is. The same thing goes for our every day-to-day life.
People hear us when we say we are “Christians”, and they see what we do. Our children learn from what they see and hear us do. It is important for us Christians to walk upright and in integrity before our families, employers, co-workers and employees, brothers and sisters in Christ, and the people of this world. Titus 2:6-8 is a good scripture that shows us what integrity in Christian living should be; I like the Message Bible translation which states: ‘Your job is to speak out on the things that make for solid doctrine. Guide older men into lives of temperance, dignity, and wisdom, into healthy faith, love, and endurance. Guide older women into lives of reverence so they end up as neither gossips nor drunks, but models of goodness. By looking at them, the younger women will know how to love their husbands and children, be virtuous and pure, keep a good house, be good wives. We don't want anyone looking down on God's Message because of their behavior. Also, guide the young men to live disciplined lives. But mostly, show them all this by doing it yourself, incorruptible in your teaching, your words solid and sane. Then anyone who is dead set against us, when he finds nothing weird or misguided, might eventually come around. ‘Our manner of life may win some for the Kingdom of God. Don’t make excuses or try to justify not doing right – walking upright and in integrity. Don’t get tired in doing well (2 Thessalonians 3:13). One of my good friends talk about the assignments God gives her and us, and this is part of our assignment/job God has placed before us – walking in integrity. Search your own life/heart and see if you have any areas that you are not walking upright and in integrity. Only you know, and only you can make it right with God.
Now this next thing – Love- God has really been working on me in this area. It’s not so much that I don’t know how to love, but it’s the things that come out of my mouth; and it’s not so much as what come out of my mouth, but how I say things. But this wasn’t love, and God let me know it. If I’m going to be God’s Vessel, I had to learn to say what I had to say in love, and to learn to keep my mouth shut (really working on that part). But I confess everyday that I am a loving, compassionate person, and that my speech is sweet when I speak. We are to love our neighbors as we do ourselves (Matthew 19:19). A neighbor is defined as one who lives or is located near another; a fellow human being. This means everyone; even the waitress who gets your order wrong or the pharmacy worker who inputs your insurance information wrong cause me to have to wait in line longer than I expected (ouch! I apologize as I was instructed to).
Love covers sins; it doesn’t blab it to every ear that it crosses. Church folk have been known to be gossipers. Hurting people come into the church, whether it be from a divorce or a wrong done to them, whatever), and some Christians, seeming sincere, airs all of their business or looks down on them. Proverbs 10:12 (MSG) states that hatred starts fights, but love pulls a quilt over the bickering. How many of you know that if you start spreading a person business they confided in you, you better be prepared for what could come next. Some people will have a big problem with their business getting out. We as “True Christians” can’t act like this, or we shouldn’t ask like this. Now Have I ever gossiped? Yes! I don’t do this anymore – when you know better, you do better. I am doing better in this area. But as you’ve heard from me before, there’s still a lot of work for my Father to do in this old girl. Once God helps me get control of one area, He will start on the next one. But I love the Lord’s correction/discipline in my life; I ask for it, and He always delivers. Now, I have to do some repenting, but God knows my heart; He knows that when I repent – I mean it! While we cover a person with love, we are not to condone the sin. So many times we tell people “It’s ok baby, God’s understands”. And while God does understand what we are dealing with, it is not His will that we remain it that sin.
Saints, it is time we stop and speak out against the sexual immorality (fornication, molestation, homosexuality etc.) we are allowing to run rampant in the church. I hate hearing about the Catholic priest molesting children; though I am not a Catholic, this is a bad reflection on the Church as a whole. (Please understand that though I am not a Catholic, I understand that there are decent-god-fearing Catholics out there. I am not speaking out about the Catholic Church, but the actions of these priests representing the Catholics). I sincerely hope that these priests repent and turn from this sin and do it NO more – true repentance. I really can’t understand how they can continue in the “service of God”, and do this. Even for those who did not participate in these horrible acts but didn’t say anything, how could they sit by and say nothing. Maybe it was self preservation; maybe they didn’t want to rock the boat. Well, I’m here to do some rocking, but in love……… Their silence condones the actions of the others; they said without a spoken word “It’s ok” – and it’s not. This is not the Will of God nor is it pleasing in God’s sight. Surely they could not have thought that these acts were pleasing in God’s sight, and they were walking upright before God. C’mom! Think!
It is the same with fornication and homosexuality. They are not pleasing in God’s sight. This should not be named amongst “True Christians”. Romans 13:13 states: Let us behave decently, as in the daytime, not in orgies and drunkenness, not in sexual immorality and debauchery, not in dissension and jealousy. And yes, I have fornicated. Now I was never one to just sleep with every Tom, Dick and Harry (sorry if one of these is your name (smile), but when I was exclusively dating/seeing someone, there was a sexual relationship. God had dealt with me for a long time about this. It had gotten to the point where I couldn’t enjoy “it” because of the conviction. I was raise in the church, and I knew better. I am glad that He did convict me; He had a plan for my life.
When I practiced fornication, meaning this is how I lived, I was not a “True Christian, but I knew that even then. And I truly believe that even though I loved the Lord and still attended church, if Jesus had returned while I was fornicating, I would have gone to Hell! Yes, there is a Hell (Matthew 7:13, Matthew 13:37-42, 49-50, Revelation 19:19-21 and Revelation 20:7-15). Go check it out. I’m not trying to scare anyone; I’m trying to prepare you, to wake you up! And if you don’t believe that there is a place where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth, well I guess you’ll find out when you get there. Get some self-control; I did! And no my then “boyfriend” now husband didn’t like it. Yes, he bought the cow and enjoys the milk every chance he get (smile)!
Homosexuals are not “True Christians” either. They can “call” themselves “Christians” until the cows come home. How can anyone living this lifestyle (habitually living this lifestyle) say that it is God’s will for their life is beyond my reasoning. Stay with here. God is not a “mere man” that He should lie (Numbers 23:19). If He, God, calls the act of homosexuality an abomination, then it is – end of discussion. He’s not mere man that He should repent. God did not change His mind on this. He didn't say “This is an abomination – Sike! – I was just kidding, Live it Up!” No! He is the same today as He was yesterday (Hebrew 13:8). God is no respecter of persons; if He meant it for them way back when, He means the same for us now (Acts 10:34). If you think that this is “ok” then why would He put in His Word ‘A man should not lie with another man as He would with a woman’ (Leviticus 18:22)? And since God is no respecter of persons, this goes for the woman too. C’mon! 1 Corinthians 7:1-7 states that marriage is between a man and a woman. And for those of you who are going into “left field” saying it didn’t say anything about dating. Then the relationship would be fornication which is also a sin, and if there are no sexual relations, then you are just friends – c’mon.
Are cheating, lying, back-biting, gossip, fornication and homosexuality good or bad? Do you really think these are pleasing in God’s sight? Do you truly believe that Jesus died on the cross for our sins so that we, accepting Him and what He’s done for us – our becoming NEW creations in God through Him, can continue in sin? Do you think that continuing doing these and other thing, accepting them without striving and asking Him to help us get rid of them, is pleasing in His sight?? Come on Christians…THINK!
Church you cannot habitually do any of these things we’ve discussed and be a “True Christian”. Now, you can do ALL of these things and “say” you are a Christian. None of these “things” are “ok” with God. None of them! It was said that the church is for sinners, and this is correct. But when the sinners come into the House of the Lord, accept His Son Jesus as Lord and Savior, their lives should change; they should desire change so that their lives line up with the Word of God. Their lives should change over time. Trust me; I understand that this Salvation is a process. I understand that some of these things people will have to “walk out” in their lives. It doesn’t happen overnight. But we should not accept things that God doesn’t accept. There are churches that allow fornicators and homosexuals to hold office and titles in the church. I think a lot of church's reasoning in allowing these things is that they are more interested in “numbers” than in “changed lives”. There are churches that allow these things to go on because they don’t want to “offend” anyone. This is a matter of life and death, blessing and cursing – Heaven and Hell! This is IMPORTANT! Pastors……. Preach the Truths of God’s Word or you will be left behind with those who you have let slide. Say something! Stand Up! We Christians have to DESIRE to change, to walk according to the Word of God. We are New Creations – Old things have passed away – ALL things have become new. We may come into the House of God dirty and ALL messed-up, but we are not to remain that way. The Word of God says that He is Holy, and that we should be too (1 Peter 1:16). I know that there are things that can have such a “strong hold” on your life that they are HARD to get rid of. But when you truly desire to change, when you hate what you’re doing and no longer desire to do it, with God’s help and some old-fashioned self-control, you can do it! The thing is that we sometimes like what we are doing, and don’t want to get rid of it; there’s no desire to change. Instead we try to rationalize or find a “loop-hole”, or those of “like faith” to continue in that sin we love to do. Instead of us lining our lives up with the Word of God, we try to make the Word of God “fit” what we think and our life decisions. I had a friend that said this is why she hates religion – too many rules! But just about every aspect of our lives are govern by rules. If you don’t have any rules, there would be chaos – more than there is now. 1 Corinthians 14:40 states let all things be done decently and in order. No rules means no order. The “rules and regulations” of God’s Word is not to “keep us in a box”, but to protect us and create a better quality of life for us.
Look, what it boils down to is do you believe the Word of God – The Bible or not. We have to stop making excuses. Look at the reasoning – motives – for the decision you make and the things you allow in your life. Why do you allow yourself to lie or cheat? Why have to decide to continue to fornicate or live a life of homosexuality? Why would you go against the very words you say you trust and the God that you say you serve? We have to walk according to His Word – All of it! If we see our brother or sister in sin, we have to warned them – “Hey, you’re going the wrong way!” If you don’t believe me, then here are some scriptures to back me up:
Ezekiel 3:20, 21 (AMP), 1 Timothy 5:20 (AMP) and Hebrews 3:12-14 (AMP & MSG)
I pray that the eyes of your understanding have been enlightened by the Word of God. Please pray about this and take some time to ponder/think/Selah! I hope that this has not sounded judgmental – not my place. But as God’s Vessel, it is my place to speak the truth of His Word. I don’t do this blog for any glory or money; I simple do this because I desire to see souls won for the Kingdom of God and lives changed, to equip you with God’s Truth so that you can withstand the tricks of the enemy.
This is all that I will say (It’s long enough as it is). Please pray, study, search God’s Word. Remember that I love you, and Jesus loves you too!
There is a sinner’s prayer on this blog for those who would like to received salvation or rededicate their lives to our Lord Jesus.
Did you put you armor on today???
Be Encouraged Today!!!
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
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