Wednesday, January 28, 2015
I Hear Ya Holy Spirit!
I just want to say that the Lord is Good. Yes, God is good, and He is good all the time. Now the Holy Spirit is God “The Spirit”. The Holy Spirit is our Comforter, and He is the Revealer of all Truth. Now when Jesus died on the Cross and arose again to be seated at the right hand of God, He promised not to leave of us orphans. John 14:26 states:
But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.
Now I’m sure I’m not the only one who knows what the Word of God says, and forgets it from time to time. Not so much that you forget it, but that we don’t use it as often as we should. The Word of God clearly tells, as stated above, that the Holy Spirit will remind us of everything He, God, has said to us. This is whether the written Word, the Bible, an audible spoken Word (spoken by someone else) or a Word spoken to your spirit. Like I said before, God is always speaking; we need to be in a position to be able to hear Him. We get in a position to hear from Him by reading his Word and praying, getting quiet (meditating) and listening.
I have several books that I read to my kids to teach them about God and how much He loves us. I read to my kids just about every night, and it is one of my favorite times of the day; not only because they are going to sleep, but also because I love to read to them. Well Monday night I read “I Can Talk with God” by Debby Anderson (very good book) to my kids, especially my daughter, so that she knows that she can talk to God about everything and anything. I explained that she doesn’t have to use big words or sound a certain way, and that she can be anywhere like school or church when she talks with Him. The very first page of the book tells how God made certain animal to do certain things, and then it got to people. It said that God made people to talk. He especially made people to talk so they could talk to Him. The biggest light bulb turned on over my head. I paused and listened. My daughter wondered what I was doing. Well most of you know that my three (3) year son, Gianni, is speech delayed, WAS speech delayed (calling those things to be as though they were). As soon as I read those words out of a children’s book, Revelation had come! I immediately spoke what I heard the Holy Spirit say “God made Gianni to TALK to Him.” I’m a “right now” type person so I began to speak my faith. I began to plead the Blood of Jesus over his understanding, his hearing, his mouth (tongue, teeth), his esophagus, anything I could think of that included speaking. And I said that Gianni is talking more and more everyday. Now I don’t believe that it was a mistake in my choosing this book to read that night nor in what I heard. I believe the Holy Spirit revealed the Truth of what God wants for Gianni, and it was revealed to me so that I can begin to speak the Truth of God’s Word over my son! Now I could have continued to read and dismissed what I heard, but I decided to act on what I heard and spoke God’s Word over my son. Now was it me, I don’t believe so because I originally choose this book for my daughter specially to show her that she can pray (talk to God) about anything even in school; that she doesn’t have to pray out loud, but can speak to God quietly. Was it the devil? Absolutely not! The devil is not going to tell anyone to speak God’s Word over anything. The Advocator, The Holy Spirit, reminded me of why God made all of us. We were made to glorify and worship Him, to fellowship with Him. He alone is worthy of our praise. I am a Daughter of the Most High!
We all can talk to God. We can be at work, school or even the grocery store. You don’t have to be in a church. God wants us to fellowship with Him on a daily basis, and when we do this, we develop a relationship with Him. When we have a relationship with God, we can talk to Him about anything! I promise you that if you talk to God, He will talk back. You will be able to say “I hear ya Holy Spirit!”
Did you put on your armor today???
Be Encouraged Today!!!
Remember there's a sinner's prayer on this site. If you have back-slid or haven't tasted and seen that the Lord is Good, say this prayer. You don't have to be in a church building to receive Jesus as Lord and Savior. There is a moment that will happen, and it will happen in a twinkling of an eye (as fast as you can blink), and those who have confessed Jesus as Lord and have walked according to the Word of God will be raptured up to be with Him forever and ever. Yes, it sounds too fantastical to be real, but don't take the chance that it's not and be left behind. So don't put this off. No one knows the hour or the day when this will take place, but it is for us to be ready when it's time to go. The first step is to receive Jesus as Lord and Savior. If you say this prayer, contact me; let me welcome you and personally encouraged you in your new life with Jesus!
Wednesday, January 14, 2015
God is Trying to Tell You Something
Remember on "The Color Purple" Shug was singing 🎶 in the juke joint, and the church ⛪ choir began singing "God is Trying to Tell you Something". Shug tried to out sing the choir, but something happened. It was like something was awaken in her; she was drawn to the church, to the singing 🎶, to the song. Everytime I see this part of the movie tears stream down my face. She made it home, and reconciled with her father and The Father (God). I think God is trying to do the same thing; He's trying to wake us up.
Have you noticed increased number of "End Times" shows and movies. Though most are not quite Biblically accurate, most will probably get people to thinking about their relationship with God, or at least get them interested in learning more. He's trying to wake up the sinner, non-believer or the back slider to let them know that their time is running out. You choose this day whom you will serve, and in choosing you will sill your destination for Eternity forever. I'm not trying to make this sound scary with doom and gloom. I'm trying to let you know of the urgency of making this choice. The "Door of Opportunity" will not stay open for you forever - you will want to go on the "first" flight ✈ out. Making Jesus Lord can take "scary" right out of this situation and give you assurance and peace that your final destination is a good one; Eternity is a very long time. If any movie, tv show or song has piqued your interest, take a moment to ponder it and evaluate yourself. God speaks to us in many ways. He speaks to us through His Word, directly to our spirit, through others, and yes sometimes through movies, tv shows and songs. The question is "Are you listening?". And if you are, what are you doing about it?
Did you put your armor on???
Be Encouraged Today!!!
Remember there's a sinners prayer on this site. If you have backslid or haven't tasted and seen that the Lord is good is Good, then say this prayer 🙏. I know all of this sounds too fantastical to be real, but don't take the chance that its not and be left behind. There's a moment that will have happen, in a twinkling of an eye, and those of us who belong to Christ Jesus will be with Him forever and ever. If you say this prayer 🙏 contact me, and let me encouraged and personally welcome you into God's Kingdom.
Saturday, January 3, 2015
Time to Get in Shape
It's the new year and everyone is making new years resolutions. We're making resolutions to be a better person, promising to eat better, to stop smoking, pay off debts, etc. These are just some of the resolutions people will be making this new year. These are good resolutions; things that will better ones life. One resolution I will be making is getting back in shape after all that holiday eating - good eating. Getting in shape is probably the number one new year resolution people will make. But most do not think about getting into "spiritual shape".
There are alot of "Christians" that have been in the Church ⛪ ten plus years and have not grown/matured. They are still babes in Christ; still taking milk. The "milk" of the Word of God is good for those who are new to the Faith, and that's okay. New Christians maybe on the "milk" of the Word a few years; learning and growing. But some Christians have been on milk way too long; so long that they have become big fat babies. Yes I said big fat babies! Never stepping out in faith, never digging deeper in the Word of God, never wanting more - just content being babies; can't help themselves or anyone else. Graduate 🎓 and get in the "meat" of God's Word. The "meat" of the Word has the spiritual protein to build muscle and strength in the Word of God. The strength that can move mountains, heal the sick and cast out demons. God wants us to grow in Him, to know Him better, and in knowing Him we know His Word. I love the phrase "In all your getting, get understanding.". It one thing to be able to quote the Word of God, and it's another the understand it. The first step is digging deep, and the way you do that us reading and studying the Word. Those things in the Word you don't quite understand, ask the Holy Spirit who is the Revealer of all truth; he will make those things known to you.
The world is changing, things are happening; things the Bible has foretold years and years ago. You make the choice to develop your faith. You make the choice to get off your spiritual couch, and stop being a big fat baby. Graduate to the meat of the Word of God. It's ok to have some spiritual milk to help the meat go down, but don't stay on milk only. You'll find out that you are stronger and capable of much, much more.
Did you out your armor on???
Be Encouraged Today!!!!
Remember there's a sinner's prayer on this site. If you have back slid or haven't tasted and send that the Lord I good, then say this prayer. There is a moment that will happen, in a twinkling of an eye, and we who belong to Christ Jesus will be caught up to be with Him forever and ever. Oh yes, I know it sounds to fantastical to be true, but don't take the chance that its not and be left behind. So don't wait! Say this prayer now. If you say tho prayer, please contact me so that I might encourage and personally welcome you to your walk with the Lord.
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