Thursday, May 10, 2007

Old Writings

Good Morning:

Continue to give thanks unto the Lord, for He is great and great are His works. There's a author out with a book entitled "God is not Great....How religion poisons everything". Boy, do we need to get on the good foot. The enemy is getting bolder because he knows that His time is running out. Just want to let you know that I will be putting some of my old writings on the blog. If some had touched your spirit in the past, then they will be on the blog for you to refer back to. Here's one now...................

Repeat After me and say it with attitude:

My life just keeps getting better and better. Blessing are over taking me more and more. My bills are paid, and my body is healed. And the best is yet to come.

Take it by force, and sometimes we just have to get an attitude with the devil, and let him know that he is the defeated foe and he will rule NO MORE in our lives. There was a Word of God that was preached talking about putting on the whole armor of God. We are in a war zone, and we go out onto the battle without our armor on each day (I too was guilty, but no more). This is why the devil is able to attach us as he does. Put on the helmet of His Salvation for you have been saved because you confessed and believed in your heart that Jesus died on the cross for your sins, and He is now seated at the right hand of the Father ever making intercession for you; put on the breast plate of righteousness for you are the righteousness of God through Christ Jesus; knowing that God's Word is the only truth that's in your life, and you gird the loins of your soul, heart and spirit with God's Truth; having your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; having the shield of faith that quenches every fiery dart of the enemy; and having the Sword of the Spirit which is God's Word - welding that mighty Sword (Word) every time the enemy says something contrary to what God's Word says that you are, what you can have, and you can do.

When we don't have the armor of the Lord everyday, we get hit by the enemy even to point of giving up (death). YOU HAVE NO ARMOR ON TO PROTECT YOU!!!! And you wonder why things are going on in your life. It's because there's no shield to hide behind or a sword to defend yourself with. Put on your armor EVERYDAY!

Have you put on your armor today????

Be Encouraged Today!!!!


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