Saturday, November 10, 2007

A Day at the Fair

Hello All:
It's fair time, and my husband and I took our nine month daughter, Angelina, to her first fair. We didn't get a chance to ride any of the rides, but we enjoyed the food, shows and animal scenery. The most enjoyable thing for me was seeing the look on my daughter's face as we went through the fair zoo. As I looked at her, I wondered what she was thinking and feeling when she looked at these creatures she'd never seen before. I think the zebra was her favorite. she was so fascinated by it! Now, I've been to the zoo before and seen zebra, and viewed them on the television, so it didn't fade me at all. As Angelina looked at the zebra, her eyes got big and bright seeing it for the first time.

When I got home, I thought about this again, and thought about how when I first got saved and experience Jesus, I was so touched - I wanted to learn, see and experience more. The eye's of my understanding was just like my daughter - big and bright. When we first believed, our vision for the knowledge of Jesus was wide-eyed and bright, but just like this physical realm - our eyes sight becomes dim; we can allow our spiritual eye sight to become dim. We become too lax in our salvation walk. We have gotten too "use to" things being the way they are - we don't strive for that perfecting of our faith in Jesus. The newness, the excitement, the joy of our salvation has worn off, and we don't see or experience Jesus the way we once did. We don't yearn or desire to know Him when we first begun this walk.

Now, I won't go as far as to say that Angelina saw how awesome God is through the creation of beautiful animals as the zebra, giraffe or camel she'd seen, but these animals do show God's awesomeness. There are so many thing in this earth that display God glorious awesomeness, but we've gotten so use to seeing and experiencing them that we've lost/have become so lax as to not realize it. Ask God to restore your newness, your joy, your zeal. This is not the time to become lax in your walk with God. Now is the time to be fully armed having girded your loins with the truths of God's Word for it is the only thing that will sustain you in the day of evil.

Did you put your armor on today????

Be Encouraged Today!!!

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