Wednesday, November 12, 2008

It Could Be Worse

Hello All:

Well, it's certainly be awhile since you've heard from me, and for those who have continue to look for me - well here I am. Late July, my husband and I decided to have another child, and we found out early August that we are pregnant - Yeah!!! But let me tell ya, this pregnancy had not been kind to me. I have headaches, nausea, overwhelming tiredness, and dizziness; everything I eat seems to make me sick, but thank God that it has eased up a bit. My first pregnancy was wonderful; I did not experience any symptoms really - alittle dizziness here and there. It was wonderful; I was pregnancy and happy; Life was wonderful.

I have been murmuring and complaining about this pregnancy because it has not been like the first one. Still one day, I read an article (I'm always searching for pregnancy stuff) that stated that some women have not only the symptoms I mentioned, but vomiting all throughout their pregnancy. Now, I haven't experience the vomiting, only the nausea. Then I began to realize that I don't have it so bad. The symptoms weren't more than I could handle - I could deal with it; I just didn't want to have to deal with it. I start to think 'It Could Be Worse'. Somewhere some woman has had it far worst than I have, and here I am complaining. I thank God that those are the only symptoms that I had to experience. Then I been to ponder on this awhile. I was complaining to my husband about him leaving his workout clothes in the living (never mind that there is an adorable little girl that wants his undivided attention as soon as he enters the house). I began to think about that too...... I began to think that I could be worse. I could have an mentally and/or physically abusive husband. I could have a husband that never helped me around the house or appreciated the things I do for this family. But you know what, I do have those things - It's not as bad as it seems to be. It could also be worse if I didn't have Jesus in my life. Those things that he (husband), as well as myself, needs to work on; I can call those things to be not as though they are; I have that authority as a child of God. But we some times fail to remember who we are and whose we are. We fail to remember that weeping my endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning. If you have Jesus as your Lord and Saviour, it's not as bad as it seems - it could be worse. You could not have any authority to call those things to be not as though they are; or speak healing to yourself and love ones. It could be worse; you could not know that you are the righteousness of God through Christ Jesus; or that you are more than conquerors through Christ Jesus who loves; or that the greater One lives in you and that He is greater than he that is in this world; or that God is for you and that no one and nothing can successfully be against you. Oh, I could go on and on. For a moment, the enemy had me speaking and thinking things contrary to what God has to say concerning my situation - only for a moment. I thank God that I have ears to hear what the Spirit of God would have to say (Listen, He's always speaking).

If Jesus is Lord of your life and things seems bad going worse, remember that with Him even those things that seem impossible are possible to those who can believe. He is faithful and just to perform his Word. Stand on His Word; Speak it out of your mouth so that you can hear yourself say His Word; Say it everyday until you get it down in your spirit. Everyday I pray that as for me and my household; we will serve that Lord. No matter what it looks like; no matter what is said or done. I have made up my mind; I have settled it in my heart that I will not give up on my family's salvation. If one in the household be saved, then the whole household is save. These are not my words but my Fathers.

I could be worse, but because we have Jesus, it IS getting better. As a matter of fact, it IS BETTER. Speak your faith and not your fears. For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of love and of power and of a sound mind.

Did you put your armor on today???

Be Encouraged Today!

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