Well Gloorrry Hallelujah! Jesus is Alive! And those of us who keep our minds stayed upon Him, He will keep in perfect peace. We serve an AWESOME God! He along is worthy of our praise.
Do you actually believe God's Word is truth or fiction? I can say for myself that I have always believed and still believe that God's Word, the Bible, is truth. Some think that the Bible is full of "feel good, positive stories" to motive us to do good. Some think that some of the stories are too far-left to actually be true. But as a Christian, as a true believer of God's Word, I believe even those that would defy the laws of reasonable, natural thinking to be truth. Take for instance the story of Moses dividing the Red Sea. To the natural mind, there is no way that this could have occurred. But I know in my heart and believe with every fiber of my being that this story is truth. This is not just a good "bedtime" story; it actually happened. And no, I wasn't there, but if it's in the Word of God, the Bible, then it is truth. This is how some people view the Word of God - just a book full of good stories. They don't actually believe that these things happened. There is nothing that the God I say I serve can't do. He can and is still doing the impossible for those who believe He can - I believe. You might say I am gulliable and would believe anything, but I know in my heart that God's Word is truth. I have experienced it for myself. I gird the truth of God's Word about the loins of my soul/mind, heart and spirit. I make the choice each day to live by the Truths of God's Word, that which is written in His B-I-B-L-E, and that which I know and believe He says unto me.
You can't just take parts of God's Word that fit your life. You've got to do all that is written there in, in the Bible. So if you lie, cheat, steal, deal in immoral sexual behaviors, kill or whatever, then you're not doing the Word of God. The Word God has set forth concerning these things (lying, cheating stealing,gossipping, back-biting,killing, etc)are fiction to you; they are not the truth. It just sounds good to you, but you're not willing to change and walk according to the truths of God's Word. I'll tell it on myself - when I made up mind, truly made up my mind to go all the way with God and to walk according to His Word, it hurt my flesh, and still does sometimes. Yesterday, I got a book on renewing your mind according to the Word of God, because I want to make sure I am doing I can do to walk this walk of Christianity - and I want to be good and prosper at it; I want God to approve of me. But I understand that it is a daily process; every day Satan is feeding us lies, things that do not line up with the Word of God. The Holy Spirit might tell me to keep quiet, but my flesh say otherwise. But because I know God's Word is truth and I trust that truth, I can hold my peace and let the Lord fight my battles. I win in Jesus Name. Victory is mine! No matter what happens or goes on in my life or any member of my family's life - I still win. Even when it looks like I'm losing or have lost, don't count me out just yet! I serve a God who is known for doing some awesome, impossible things, and He is no respector of persons. If He did it for one, He can and will do it me! Glory Hallelujah! Get bold and get confident in God's Word and His ability to perform that Word. Stay up in the devil's face and say "No, no, no - not here, not today, not EVER! God is for me and I win!"
God is NEVER WRONG! His Word is truth, fair and just, and it should be FINAL AUTTHORITY in Christian lives. His Word says we are more than conquerors, and we are. His Word says we are the healed, and we are. I don't care what my situation/circumstance say, it only matters what the Word of God says concerning me and my family. His Word is truth and It has the final say so! We serve Him because He (Father God) truly does know what is best for us, and we find His BEST in His Word. God and His Word are the same - In the beginning was the Word of God, and the Word was with God and the Word was GOD! Either God/His Word is truth or lies. We, Christians, know who the father of lies really is - Satan. And if you are not walking according to the Word of God, then you are walking according to the ruler of this World System - Satan. If you love the Father God, the giver of life and peace, then treat His Word as absolute TRUTH, and be like Nike and just Do IT - His Word!
Did you put your armor on today???
Be Encouraged Today!!!!
Remember there's a sinner's prayer on this site. If you have back-slid or haven't tasted and seen that the Lord is Good, then say this prayer. You don't have to be in a church building to receive Jesus as Lord and Savior. There is a moment that will happen, and it will happen in a twinkling of an eye (as fast as you can blink), and those who have confessed Jesus as Lord and have walked according to the Word of God will be raptured up to be with Him forever and ever. Yes, it sounds too fantastical to be real, but don't take the chance that it's not and be left behind. So don't put this off. No one knows the hour or the day when this will take place, but it is for us to be ready when it's time to go. The first step is to receive Jesus as Lord and Savior. If you say this prayer, contact me; let me welcome you and personally encouraged you in your new life with God!
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