Sunday, June 28, 2015


Well Praise the Lord! All I can really say before I get into the “meat” of this post is “Come Lord Jesus!” I will say that this is the most hatred I have seen in America in a very long time, and this is on both sides of the races. Instead of listening and understanding, we are calling each other horrible names and lumping each particular race to ALL the people of those races, and that’s not fair. All blacks don’t hate white people or shoot innocent cops, and not all white people hate blacks and shoot innocent black while in church. We have rotten apples in both barrels. I’m going to address some of those things, and get ready because a lot of you are not going to like them – and that’s on both sides.

First, I want to address the “victory” for homosexuals in our nation. Those who know me know that I don’t condone that lifestyle. To me, it unnatural, and I believe that God didn’t intend for sexual relations to be between a man and a man or a woman and a woman. God made us all in His image, and He told us to be fruitful and increase in number. ONLY a man and a woman can increase the number of people.

Genesis 1:27-28New International Version (NIV) 27 So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. 28 God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.” Now if you are a Christian and believe in the Word of God, then this should be enough for you. Also 1 Corinthians 7:2, from the New Testament, 1Corinthians 7:2 states:

2 But since sexual immorality is occurring, each man should have sexual relations with his own wife, and each woman with her own husband.

Again, these are not my word, but the Word of God – The B-I-B-L-E.

Now, I say let them get married, not because I believe or condone this lifestyle, but because they will have to answer to God anyway for their choice. I AM NOT JUDGING THE HOMOSEXUAL! I am only following my belief in the Word of God. As you can see for yourself, homosexuality goes AGAINST what God intended. I say these words especially to those who profess to be Christians and live and support this lifestyle. If anyone choose to go against God, then let them, and when the trump blows they will have their reward. To all the homosexuals out there, I love you, I truly do; I just don’t like how you live. But it is your choice. Choose YOU this day, for God has set before us all LIFE and DEATH – choose life so that you may live (Deuteronomy 30:15 & 19). That all I have to say on this matter.

Now let’s talk about the taking down of the Confederate Flag. If there has been any misunderstanding and inconsiderateness going on this week, it concerning this flag. I will say this…. I DO NOT believe that the Confederate Flag should be taken down. It is a part of ALL of OUR history – good or bad. It is history. By remembering our history, we and our children are allowed to learn, grow and do better as a society. Now, the Confederate Flag was waved during the Civil War between the North and the South. The North was encroaching on the South’s way of living, wanting the fertile soil and crops (clip note versions). But it also had to do with slavery. Yes, there were some blacks that fought on the side of the South, but many fled to the North to fight their freedom in this country. Yes the North was encroaching on the South way of life, and owning slaves was part of that “part of life”. It happened and it is OUR history. I am not offended by the Confederate Flag in and of itself, but it does “somewhat” offends me when it is used by Whites as a symbol of Hatred towards my race – Black America. Yes, there were group, like the KKK, that used this flag as their symbol of hate; this cannot be denied. It happened – IT ALL HAPPENED! We as a nation have gotten better; we learned, we grew and we are a better PEOPLE – a better NATION. Don’t let HISTORY destroy this! There is so much hate from blacks and whites, it’s sickening.

Last but not least, I want to talk about my fellow Christians and Obama. Now I will say, I do not agree with our president on many things, and most know this. He holds the highest office in our country, and I believe he should do better in his choices. President Obama if you have any questions, contact me ; ). I have heard some awful thing about this president, and just as a Black American, it is just plain sad. I read one post that said “Obama, it’s called the “White House”, so get your black ass out!” What?! I’ve seen posts with pictures of people throwing up, and the text says “This is what I feel like when I see Obama.” Most of these posts come from my fellow White brothers and sisters in Christ. I have had to block friends post because in was a “non-stop hate Obama train”. Now I do make comments, not in favor, of a lot of his policies, but these comments from them seem to attack the man not the policies.

When we went to war with Iraq, I was very upset with President Bush. And yes, I voted for him, but I do not like war. Everywhere in the world, anywhere you go there are babies, and they are ALL innocent. So when there a war, those babies lives and contributions to this world could be snuffed out during war; I hate that. I also believe that there will always be fighting in the Middle East. My mom told me instead of being angry I needed to pray for President Bush. And she gave me this scripture 1Timothy 2:1-2:

I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— 2 for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.

Tell me my fellow Christians, how often do you pray for OUR president? I don’t pray for him as much as I should, but I do pray for him when I know major decisions need to be made. I’m not talking prayer like “Oh Lord, help our president.” I’m talking about speaking and praying the Word of God over him and in all his decision makings – for a move of God in his life and wisdom concerning the decision he has to make. I will bet that NONE of you have truly lifted him up in pray. You “Christians” would rather dog him out than pray for him. It is evident in the things you say almost on a daily basis. Pray for our president! We know as Christians that PRAYER CHANGES EVERYTHING – especially when you sincerely mean it! Instead speaking that his black ass should get out of the white house and how much he makes you sick, speak the Word of God! No, I don’t like a lot of his policies, but he is still the President of the United States! And yes, I prayed for Bush as well, and I will pray for OUR new President no matter what party he/she belongs too. We have gotten so wrapped up in race, in parties and how people are doing wrong that we have lost LOVE for one another.

I believe that the United States' “Love” factor has gone down considerably. Nowadays, many do not try to understand, and they say hurtful things. We need to love one another whether homosexual, Black, White, Asian, Spanish whatever; love the person; hate the sin. When I speak to people on social media (FaceBook or Twitter), I go out of my way to be respectful even if what I say disagrees with their view. If you ever read any of my post, don’t ever read them with a mean, condescending tone because I do not type them like that. Instead of name calling, say let’s choose to disagree on this matter and move on. I had a guy the other day call me an idiot. Now, I could have gone off on him; instead, I decided to end the conversation by saying goodbye and that Jesus’ love him. Don’t allow others hate to rub off on you. Don’t let what others are doing and/or saying pull you into hatred, ignorance and inconsiderateness. You choose to walk in Love towards everyone no matter what. Speak the Truth in Love (Ephesians 4:15), for the God that made ALL of us IS LOVE (1 John 4:8)! Let’s do better!

Did you put your armor on today???

Be Encouraged Today!!!

Remember there's a sinners prayer on this site. If you have backslid or haven't tasted and seen that the Lord is Good, then say this prayer. I know all of this sounds too fantastical to be real, but don't take the chance that it’s not and be left behind. There's a moment that will have happen, in a twinkling of an eye, and those of us who belong to Christ Jesus will be with Him forever and ever. If you say this prayer contact me, and let me encouraged and personally welcome you into God's Kingdom.

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