Sunday, November 18, 2007

Press In, Press On & Press Through - 10/10/07

The Lord is great and greatly to be praise!

Have you ever had the "blahs"; where you just don't feel like doing anything? All you want to do is those things that you have to do to live/survive; anything more than that is a chore; it is draining - you don't want to talk or do anything; I mean absolutely nothing.
I've been like that this week. Maybe I just need a break I thought. I'll tell it on myself - I haven't been reading or praying or studying that much all this week. I'm not depressed or anything - just BLAH. I'm sitting here tonight , and I thought 'Now, how are you going to "encourage" people in the Lord when you're not putting yourself in a position to hear what the Lord would say?' OUCH! I thought 'Hey, I have some things that I want God to do on my behalf on my family's behalf. Just when God is about to open the door we may feel faint and want to give up and give in. We don't want to press in, press on and press through . We've become weary, and in our being weary we sometimes stop doing the very thing that will give us hope, joy, strength - the victory! I thank God that I've realized that this is what's going on. I know that the Lord is about to bring forth the answers to my prayers and open doors that no man can shut. As a matter of fact, my prayers I prayed are already answered in Jesus' name, and doors already stand wide open! I got on knees tonight and asked the Lord to forgive me of my laziness. I asked the Holy Spirit to forgive me for not praying when reminded to pray. The Lord is always speaking, but are we always listening or in a place to listen? The Holy Spirit is here to lead, guide us and to bring back unto our remembrance of everything the Lord has promised and spoken to us (in written or audible word).
I don't know about you, but I can tell when I haven't been praying or studying. Now, I know this may come as a shock to you, but...........I'm not perfect! I have done things, and said things that would shock you. During those times of blah-dom, the enemy tried to throw those things back up in my face. He (the enemy) may even use others to bring up that "old man/woman" you "use to" be. I had enough of God on the inside of me to know - yes, I had done some bad/maybe even unbelievable things, but it doesn't change the fact that Jesus still loves me. All those things are under the Blood of Jesus; Jesus forgave me when I asked for forgiveness an my slate has been wiped clean. When we don't stay prayed up and built up in our most holy faith in the Lord, the enemy will try to keep us down, to try to keep us from pressing in, pressing on and pressing through in Jesus' name. But you keep on keeping on in the Lord! He can and will forgive you, and bring you to your rightful place in victory in Jesus' name!
Did you put your armor on today????
Be Encouraged Today!!!!

Saturday, November 10, 2007

A Day at the Fair

Hello All:
It's fair time, and my husband and I took our nine month daughter, Angelina, to her first fair. We didn't get a chance to ride any of the rides, but we enjoyed the food, shows and animal scenery. The most enjoyable thing for me was seeing the look on my daughter's face as we went through the fair zoo. As I looked at her, I wondered what she was thinking and feeling when she looked at these creatures she'd never seen before. I think the zebra was her favorite. she was so fascinated by it! Now, I've been to the zoo before and seen zebra, and viewed them on the television, so it didn't fade me at all. As Angelina looked at the zebra, her eyes got big and bright seeing it for the first time.

When I got home, I thought about this again, and thought about how when I first got saved and experience Jesus, I was so touched - I wanted to learn, see and experience more. The eye's of my understanding was just like my daughter - big and bright. When we first believed, our vision for the knowledge of Jesus was wide-eyed and bright, but just like this physical realm - our eyes sight becomes dim; we can allow our spiritual eye sight to become dim. We become too lax in our salvation walk. We have gotten too "use to" things being the way they are - we don't strive for that perfecting of our faith in Jesus. The newness, the excitement, the joy of our salvation has worn off, and we don't see or experience Jesus the way we once did. We don't yearn or desire to know Him when we first begun this walk.

Now, I won't go as far as to say that Angelina saw how awesome God is through the creation of beautiful animals as the zebra, giraffe or camel she'd seen, but these animals do show God's awesomeness. There are so many thing in this earth that display God glorious awesomeness, but we've gotten so use to seeing and experiencing them that we've lost/have become so lax as to not realize it. Ask God to restore your newness, your joy, your zeal. This is not the time to become lax in your walk with God. Now is the time to be fully armed having girded your loins with the truths of God's Word for it is the only thing that will sustain you in the day of evil.

Did you put your armor on today????

Be Encouraged Today!!!