Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Choose Life So You May Live

Today is my birth day (birthday). I am thirty-two (32) years old today. I am very thankful to have the life that I have. It is a very blessed life. God has given me the authority to speak blessing in, over and around my life. God is so good. He has equipped you and I to live this life that we have been given. Life is precious, and God wants and has given us the tool to succeed in this life. Is my life perfect, absolutely not; but my life is good. I have a good husband who loves me very much and would do just about anything for me. I have a beautiful daughter and hopefully a handsome son will follow. I am surrounded by loving family and friends. I have a Lord over my life that has provided everything I’ll ever need, and sent His son, Jesus, to die for me so that I may live a happy, healthy and prosperous life in Him.

He has given us His Word to stand on and to speak in, over and around our lives. We have to make the choice to choose life and not death. We have to choose to speak blessing and not cursing in, over around our lives, our spouse life and child(ren) life(vies). Today life and death are set before us; the Word of God tells us what to choose; we are to choose life so that we may live. God knows the thoughts and plans He has towards us; they are thoughts of good and not of evil to give us a hope, a future, an expected end. No matter what awful thing is going on in your life, God is still on the throne. If He is Lord over your life, then things will get better. Roll the care of the situation, the care of that person over on the Lord for He cares for you, and desires to see you happy. He will lead, guide and direct you in what it is you need to do concerning the matter or person that is generating the "care/anxiety/trouble/worry". If you haven't been speaking God's Word over your situation, then start speaking life to your situation. Start saying what the Word of God says concerning the matter. If you don't know what to speak, well this is a fine opportunity for you to get in the Word. Search out the scriptures; talk to God. Talking to God is good because sometimes you can't say what you need to say to the "other person" without causing an argument - take your matter to God. I am still learning to take my matters to God when dealing with my husband on certain issues (still learning this; this mouth use to get the better of me). I am speaking my faith when I say this; I'll continue to speak faith concerning taking things to God and not to my husband until I've get it! This is speaking life to your situation - continue, without wavering, to speak what God says. God says I've got it - I always take the matter to God when it's a touchy issue with my husband. God directs me in how to approach the situation. He will do this for us because He cares for us. He wants His kids to have the best life. After all, the King's Kids should have the best life - and we will. He has given us authority to take control of our situations by speaking His Word. So begin to say what God says and have a wonderful life! CHOOSE LIFE TODAY!!!

Did you put your armor on today?????

Be Encouraged Today!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Tell Somebody!

Good Morning and Praise be unto our Lord who along is worthy to be praised! The Lord is good all the time. I am so thankful this morning that I know His voice and voice of a stranger I'll not follow. Do you truly know and understand how good God is? Let this be what you think on today!

I can not stress to you how important it is that we begin to get our lives in order for the Lord Jesus' return. I want to explain to you that it's not enough that you've said the sinner's prayer. Yes, it's part of it, but it's not the only thing that you'll need to do. Some will say the sinner's prayer and think that they are set to make it into heaven. Or they might attend church everytime the doors are open, and thing this will get them into heaven. But it's not enough. You can not say the sinner's prayer and live anyway you want to, no that will not work! You have to make the choice each day when you wake up to live for Him, to serve Him. Don't put off what you can do today tomorrow; this is the Word of God. Don't put off your getting right with the Lord today tomorrow. Tomorrow is not promised to any one of us. We could pass on or the Lord could very well return. Look at the signs of the time; take the time to look at the things that are going on all around us in this world. And each day that passes is a day closer to His return. But He will not return until everyone in the world has had an opportunity to make Him Lord of their life. It's only fair! Everyone will have an opportunity to hear the "Good News" and will have the choice to make Him Lord over all their life. Begin to tell somebody about the Lord. You go out into your Samaria and Judea (your neighbor/community/city/town) and preach the gospel. Continue or begin to tell those loved ones that are going down the wrong path. Notify, inform somebody about the Lord. Someone told you........ Some people will only see the Jesus that's in you; share that with others. Let them know that it is good the serve the Lord. Don't be ashamed of Jesus, and He'll not be ashamed of you. Don't allow any one's blood to be on your hands. Tell them while there's still time to find the Lord. Don't let your opportunity to share Jesus with somebody pass you by. Be bold and tell somebody!!!!!!

Did you put your armor on today????

Be Encouraged Today!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

God's People are Destroyed Because of Lack of Knowledge

Good Morning:

I will be brief. I am not sure if you are familiar with the Jack Van Impe Ministries, but he has a new video (Global ID: 666). that you might find extremely interesting. It's concerning the government trying to have our state driver's license imprinted with a chip so that we can be tracked wherever we go. If you know anything thing about the end time, then you know what this means. The gov't put the finishing touches on the regulation for the "Real ID" at the beginning of this year. When you get the change go google it yourself. Here's a web-site too

If this doesn't light a fire underneath you to get about the things of God then I don't know what will. As I've said before, God and devil are real; so are heaven and hell. You choose this day whom you will serve and where you will serve eternity. Be blessed and well informed. Pass it on!

It is very important that you get in the Word of God for yourself; and when there are tapes/CDs, books and magazines, the Internet, then use those tools to educate yourself about the things of God. there's no way we can say that we didn't have the opportunity or the means to know about the things of God. You can read the Bible on the Internet. Jesus is coming back, and He's coming back for those who belong to Him. It's time to get serious about the things of God. Before you know it, the time of Jesus' return will be upon us. Don't be amongst those that will be left behind. So prepare now. Make sure your lamp is full of oil; don't be lacking when He returns.

Did you put your armor on today???

Be Encouraged Today!