Tuesday, August 31, 2010

God Sees You & He's Got You!

Praise the Lord, for His Word is TRUE! I just want to encourage you today to continue to trust God! He always hasten to perform His Word (Jeremiah 1:12). I know that some of you have been standing on God’s Word for a certain situation or thing for a long time, and you have probably begun to wonder if God sees you or if He hears you. You know I can find God in just about anything. I was watching a movie with my daughter called “Horton Hears a Who”, and at the end of the movie the Whos had to make themselves known/heard or they would be destroyed. Every Who began to make some noise; they began to cry out “We Are Here, We Are Here!” Some of us have been crying out to God “I am here, and I need your help!” If you belong to God, He hears you. He knows where you are in your life, and what you are going through. He is an on-time God! He might not come when and/or how you think He should, but He always comes, and delivers/answers you the absolute best way for you. At the very last moment the Whos' cry was heard, and they were saved from destruction. Keep crying out to God; keep speaking His Word out of your mouth concerning your situation!

2 Corthinians 4:17 states (New International Version & Amplified:

For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all(NIV).

For our light, momentary affliction (this slight distress of the passing hour) is ever more and more abundantly preparing and producing and achieving for us an everlasting weight of glory [beyond all measure, excessively surpassing all comparisons and all calculations, a vast and transcendent glory and blessedness never to cease!] (AMP).

When I heard and read this, a big, bright light came on. Ok God, I know that you see me. What should I be learning from this? The Word of God tells us that it rains on the just and the unjust alike (the righteous and the unrighteous) (Matthew 5:45). When it’s our “rainy” season, it is a time for us to develop as Christians, an opportunity for us to go to the next level in Christ. Saying the sinner’s prayer is only the beginning, but God does not want us to remain at level one! It is an opportunity to strengthen our confident trust in God’s ability to perform His Word on our behalf that we speak out of our mouths; that we say we believe. It's an opportunity to grow and for God to show himself real to us and to others.

The next time it starts to “rain” on you, don’t murmur and complain. Go see what God’s Word has to say about the situation; go see what it is you need to do in that situation. Also, do a self-examination of yourself. I do these on a regular basis. I want to make sure that I am in line with God’s Word – doing that which is pleasing in His sight. Make sure you have integrity in all you do and say even in what you think. Always walk upright before God. My pastor has been talking to us about doing the right thing even if it’s unpopular, no matter what others do or say. We as Christians should know right from wrong, and we should always choose to do the right thing. I pray this for me and my family. We have to have integrity. If you say you’re going to do something or go somewhere, then do it – go! Too often we Christian are doing things the way the world does, and we cannot do that! You will hinder/delay your deliverance/answer to your prayers. If somewhere you have done this (not walking in integrity/upright), take it before the Father and ask Him for forgiveness. He is faithful and just to forgive us of our sins (1 John 1:9). Know this, He knows if you mean it or not – if you are truly sincere in asking for forgiveness. You can not fool God!

Hold on! Continue to pray, continue to stand on God’s Word, continue to trust that the Almighty God, Maker of Heaven and Earth, can and will deliver you through and out of any situation VICTORIOUSLY! We Win!

Let me leave you with Proverbs 2:6-10 (AMP):

For the Lord gives skillful and godly Wisdom; from His mouth come knowledge and understanding. He hides away sound and godly Wisdom and stores it for the righteous (those who are upright and in right standing with Him); He is a shield to those who walk uprightly and in integrity, That He may guard the paths of justice; yes, He preserves the way of His saints. Then you will understand righteousness, justice, and fair dealing [in every area and relation]; yes, you will understand every good path. For skillful and godly Wisdom shall enter into your heart, and knowledge shall be pleasant to you.

Did you put your armor on today???

Be Encouraged Today!

Remember there's a sinner's prayer on this site. If you pray this prayer, please contact me. I would love to welcome you into the Kingdom of God, and to encourage you personally from time to time! Remember Jesus loves you, and He wants you!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Unused Word of God

As I wrote to you last week, there is a devil out there that is trying to destroy you. He doesn’t want you to win! He wants you to quit this race. He wants you to give up, be cast down and utterly destroyed. He comes in like a roaring lion seeking those he can devour (1 Peter 5:8). He can come in the form of a person or a situation. We, Christians, are destroyed by our lack of knowledge of God’s Word (Hosea 4:6). And the reason he’s able to come into our lives is because we are not reading (so we can learn), not doing (to build up our faith), and not speaking that which the Word of God says who we are, what we can do and what we can have. I want to talk about two (2) things in God’s Word that we are either not using or not using to the full (not saying or doing it every day). We might not know what the Word of God says or casually use the Word of God or we might not be fully persuaded that God can do it for us. Let’s look at our not being ignorant of the enemy’s devices and the Blood of Jesus.

How often do you thank God that you are not ignorant of the enemy’s devices? Because you have made the decision to follow Christ, you have an enemy called Satan, the devil. He is going to throw everything and use anybody he can to get you away from God, to cause you to quit this race. The Word of God that we speak out of our mouths has the power to destroy the works of the enemy, if we believe that Word.
The enemy’s devices can be a person, current circumstance(s), finances, a past deed or anything. If you can, stay from people who make you angry, and ask God to help you deal with that person. The Word of God says to stay away from things that gender strife (Proverbs 20:3). If you know you’re a sore loser, don’t play games or get involved in this that’s a completion until you are able to do so without becoming angry. But when we recognize or are aware that these things are causing us to react negatively or causing depression, then you can do something about them. We know how to pray and what to ask of the Father. It is a little easier to fight an enemy when you know what weapons he’s using and even easier when we have God on our side. So began to thank God everyday that you are not ignorant of the enemy’s devices. Every day you wake up there are challenges to face and overcome.

I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but you don’t hear about the Blood of Jesus that often. Every time I pray, I plead the Blood of Jesus over my family, over our paths (career paths too), over our home, over the grounds our home sets on, over our property inside and out, over the inside and outside of our bodies, my relationships (with hubby, children and others), over our finances, and the trials and tribulations we go through. Now some of you might be thinking I’m going too far, but I make sure that my family and I are covered. The Blood of Jesus has the power to heal, gives life, power to preserve, power to change, power to protect, to wash away sins and redeem us. But you don’t hear a lot of teaching on the Blood of Jesus in the churches, and I believe that is why a lot of people are not using it. This is a power tool we have to combat the devil; he can’t touch it, and I plead the Blood of Jesus over everything! During the Passover the children of Israel sacrificed a lamb a placed the “blood” over their door so that death would “Passover” them. Jesus is our sacrificial lamb, and His Blood is here for our covering, but how often are you applying that covering to protect you and your family, to preserve/keep your marriage and relationships, to cause change of increase or a change of heart. This powerful tool should be used every day; put on the Armor of God and plead the very Blood of Jesus EVERYDAY!

Don’t allow the enemy, the devil, any ground. Use the Word of God! You shall have what you say, so say that you and/or your family are not ignorant of the enemy’s devices. We’ve been deceived by the devil too long! Let’s use all the arsenal God has given us. Let’s not forget about the power of the Blood of Jesus. Our kids have started school or getting ready to start; plead the Blood of Jesus over them. God wants us to win and to succeed, but you’ve got to say and do the Word of God. You won’t know to do and/or say these things if you do not know the Word of God.

Did you put your armor on today???

Be Encouraged Today!!!

Remember that there is a sinner's prayer on this site. Please contact me if you pray this prayer. Jesus loves you, and so do I!

Monday, August 9, 2010


Hello Brothers & Sisters......

I just want to give you a quick reminder that we do have an enemy out there that is trying everything to keep us from God. I am here to urge you to make time for God everyday!!! EVERYDAY!!! I know that I am not the only one that has have or is having to deal with every day distractions. Not that these distractions are "bad things", but enemy will use anything to draw away from God. These last couple of days I would start praying, and someone would need something to drink, have to potty, needing changing or something. Yes, I know that these things are "normal" when you have children, a family you have to take care of, but even for my family it has been an unusually high volume of "distractions". Before I pray, I get everyone what they need - drinks, food, snack etc. I do try to get up before the little ones get, but someone would always wake up or wake up with me. I would be finishing my confessions up when I put the kids to sleep at night. During these last couple of days, I didn't even finish praying, and I would feel so bad because I know that God always takes the time to listen when His daughter Shan speaks. He so loves when I come to talk to Him, and I love to fellowship with Him. Boy, I sure am glad that missing a day of non-finished prayer doesn't takes me out of the race. I asked the Lord to forgive me for not completing my confession and our time to talk. We ask so much of Him, yet we aren't willing to give any of our time or not enough! We expect Him to answer our prayers, as well we should, but we should at least do what He asks us to do.

But we are not to give up! I don't care if I have to finish up my confessions when the kids go to sleep; I am going to pray and fellowship with the Father. I don't care how many times I have to start and stop, I am gong to finish! God understands, especially we who are married and have families, that we have other people and things that take up our time. 1 Corthinians 7 talks about when you are married you think about pleasing your spouse, but he/she that is not married has the time to spend pleasing the Father. This is not to give us married people a free pass, but there are things/distractions that come up in all of our lives that draw us away from God, and we need to identify what these things are. For me it's the kids, hubby and house, you name it! I can be praying, and my son is trying to put his fingers in my mouth. I need my mouth to pray. Sometimes I'm on my knees, and my daughter sits on my back - distracting! She sometimes starts to recite her ABC's, and she demands attention when she is speaking. My husband tells me to sit down sometimes because I am constantly picking up, or if he's at home I'll think of something I can do that I didn't get to do when it was only me and the kids. But these last couple of days, I had fallen back in that old groove of doing everything, and putting God of the back burner. I got up this morning, before the kids woke up, and I was determine to pray. I can't afford to not pray! I have to many things/prayers I want answered. I can't afford to not do what God has instructed me to do. I can't! There are so many things in God's Word that I want manifested in my life. I want to see them, and I will! My very life on this earth/eternity depends upon it! I had let the cares of this world draw me away. I can not do that. My son woke up before I finished praying this morning. I loved on him for a couple of minutes, got him something to drink and changed him, turned the TV on for him, and was back praying - deal with the distractions!

We can't afford not to pray, read the Word of God and fellowship with Him. Everyone of us have unanswered prays out there. When we stop doing (asking, seeking, knocking); God tells the angels "Hold on, she stop praying, stop praising, stop standing on My Word". And the very moment we stop could be the very moment we find what we have been looking, searching and standing for - it could be right at the door......... but you stopped praying, praising. No, missing one or two days of praying is not going to kill you, but you will be weak spiritually - easily distracted, frustrated, irritated and tempted to things not pleasing in God's sight. Now not only are you spiritually weak, but you have a bad attitude and in even bigger trouble/sin than before. You can not afford NOT to PRAY! Deal with the distractions!

Even if you have to start and stop several times a day, don't give up! Start again - continue! God sees your effort, and He will honor you! Continue to press forward in Him, and let the enemy know that he is still a liar and a defeated foe where you and your family are concerned! Keep Praying! Keep Reading God's Word! He sees you!

Remember that God loves you, and He wants you! There is a sinner's prayer on this site if you need to rededicate your life, or start anew with Jesus as Lord and Savior! I love you and so does God!

Tell someone about the blog! You will be helping to spread a word of encouragement and the Word of God!

Did you put your armor on today????

Be Encouraged Today!!!