Sunday, October 21, 2007

God Knows Your Beginning & End - October 18th

God is good all the time!

Don't you think it's awesome that God knows how many hairs are upon your head? Just think about it (unless you don't have any - LOL). It is awesome that God knows your beginning and your end. He knows the thoughts He has towards you; they are thought of good and not of evil to give you a hope, a future, and expected end. expected end??? When we "expect" something, we "look to" the occurrence or appearance of something. We as children of God should "look to" or expect good things to come to us and happen to us. God desires for our beginning to our end to be good. But there's something called "free will" - our ability to make a choice.

Our lives are full of choices 'Do I go to church this Sunday or not?' or 'Do I cook tonight or eat out?' Everything is a choice. In our beginning, we should make the choice to do good and follow God. For the Lord is our Sheppard, we shall not want..............He leads us in the paths of righteousness for His name sake. Not path but paths. More than one, plural paths. The path of being a good, whole, healthy person; the path of being a good friend; the path of being a good wife/husband mother/father; the path of a good career (good employer/employee) follow. When we make the choice in the beginning to do good or do things God's way, it will make our paths smooth toward our good ending.

Now we know that on the path to God's house there's a big bad devil that will use family, friends, situations and circumstances to influence us to take the wrong path in life. But we serve a God that is bigger and badder that the devil. Even if we should choose the wrong path, God can turn what the devil meant for our harm around for our good when we turn and repent! When we make mistakes and wonder 'How in the world did I get here?', remember God knows your beginning and your end. He knew that you were gonna make that choice even before you made it. God's knows where you are; He can see you. Might wonder why didn't say anything or try to stop you. Well were you listening or were you so wrapped up in what was going on around you? He will hear you when you cry out to Him, but take the time to listen for the answer to our cry/prayer. He has sent the Comforter, a helper, the Holy Spirit to lead and guide us. God loves you, and desires that you prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers. Remember to choose godly and wisely for it shapes/determines the paths to your beginning and your end.
Did you put your armor on today????
Be Encouraged Today!!!!

God, My Deliverer - October 18th

Praise the Lord!

How powerful is your God? How awesome do you think your God is? Is your God on your side? Are you on God's side? These are questions to think on.

All of us have troubles or hard times. None of us are exempt form this. The Word of God says that He has come that we might have peace, in this world we will have tribulations (trials, hardships, situations), but we are to be of good cheer; for He has overcome the world (and will help us do the same). God loves us whether we make the right decision(s) or the wrong one(s). Romans 8 tells us that there is nothing that can separate us from the love of God - whether we have calamity or trials - nothing can separate us from His love. Now if we make the wrong decision, it does not exempt us from reaping the outcome of our wrong decision. But God will love us through it and can deliver us from it. That's the why I asked if you were on God's side. If you decide to steal, and God's Word says though shalt not steal, then you're not on God's side, and you'll reap the outcome (jail/worse) of that wrong decision - making decisions contrary to God's Word. When we make wrong decisions, God is faithful and just to forgive us of those sins. Take the time to seek God when you're going through a trial. Compare your decision up against the Word of God. The enemy will try to present an idea that sounds good "Godlike", but when you take the time to compare it to the Word of God, you will began to see that it's not right. I do believe that when we take the time to seek God concerning our situation/trial He will make it plan and clear as to what it is we need to do. And if for some reason you still don't know which way to go, ask someone to pray and agree with you; bounce your situation off of someone else - not don't just do this with just anyone; make sure this person knows the Word of God. Make sure it's someone that can build you up in your most holy faith in God; someone that will remind you that God is for you, and that He is awesome and has the power to meet your need(s), and that He can deliver you out of every trial and situation.

Remember there is nothing too hard for God. There is no situation or trial too difficult for Him to tackle. There is no sickness or disease too strange or rare that He can't heal. There is no sin so great that He can't deliver you from , and can't forgive you of. That's how awesome an powerful our God is! When you see the manifestation of His awesome power, remember to say "God did it!"

Did you put your armor on today????

Be Encouraged Today!!!!

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Trust & Obey

Good Morning!

Have you ever prayed for something, standing of God's Word, and seen the manifestation of your prayer? Life is good, things are going the way they should only to have that thing try to rise up again. You do understand that once you've prayed, believed and received your "thing" that you still have to fight the good fight of faith and continue to speak God's Word over the situation. Just like an alcoholic that seeks helps, go through the necessary steps, and recovers from alcoholism - everyday that person has to fight the temptation to drink to remain set free. Or like someone that has been diagnosed with cancer, they pray and go through the necessary treatment, God delivers them from cancer; this person has to continue to stand on God's Word concerning their healing. When you're praying and standing for your thing, you have to trust that God can perform His Word and that He will perform it for you. Once He has performed His Word that you've prayed, stood on and trusted, make sure you check yourself to see that you are in obedience with God's Word - as a matter of fact to might want to check this first before you pray. That's how some of us are; we want God to perform His part of the covenant, and for us to have to do nothing. NO! We must not only trust His Word, but we must keep His commandments and be in obedience with His Word.

Now, I've prayed, pastor has prayed, the church has prayed for my daughter's healing for her skin. Now as far as I'm concerned she is the healed. I'll not be moved by what I see, how she feels or how she sounds. God's Word says that she is the healed, and she is in Jesus' Name. Every now-and-then it tries to rear its ugly head. I tell each time that it does I get so mad! I know that God didn't give me this "umph" or "salt" or "attitude" or this "boldness" for nothing. He gave it to me to stand up against the enemy in the day of evil. Before, I use to fret, worry and be in fear. But no more! God has not given me a spirit of fear, but of love and of power and a sound mind. I have the mind of Christ! I fight the good fight of faith in this! I am strong in the Lord and in the power of His might! The devil is a liar and the defeat foe as far as my daughter's skin is concerned. The Lord has, not going to, but has already healed her in Jesus' Name. Healing is the children bread. I have authority over her skin, and I call it healed in Jesus' Name! Now I know what my mom meant when she said 'Don't mess with my children, my momma or my money!' Those are things you'll fight for (spiritually; don't go beaten people up.) But you'll get on your face and cry out to God! My daughter is whole in Jesus' Name! She walks, lives, breathes and move in divine health that Jesus has ALREADY paid the price for. See the devil has messed with my MY BABY, and he has pissed me off which means I'm gonna pray even hard, prophecy even louder, and encouraged others ever stronger in the Lord. Devil, don't mess with me! ....................Excuse me, just had to get alittle "holy indignation" out! But we have to get like sometime with devil. But know what, as Brother Mark use to say, 'I'll trust and obey for there's no other way'. If you ask anything of God, the only way you'll be able to get it is by trusting and obeying His Word!

Did you put on your armor today???

Be Encouraged Today!!!

Sunday, October 7, 2007

I'm A Tither! How 'bout You?

Hello & Praise the Lord!

The Lord is faithful to His promises, and I will praise and serve Him all the days of my life. I know the Word of God, and it is ever near me even in my mouth. I know that the Word works, because I work the Word. I speak the Word of God over my life, my husband's life, my children's lives, and our situations. Recently the the devil thought he was doing something by messing with our finances. But he is a liar and the defeated for in our lives. The Lord has given me authority over the devil and all the dark wicked forces of the enemy. He also gave me authority over our fiances.

One morning Aaron woke up and said "Baby, I'm gonna have to take your car because my car won't start. Call the repair man to have it looked at". I did not get upset; I did not fret! The first thing I thought was I"M A TITHER! And to back up the story for a second, the week before I had asked my pastor, who is also my mother, should I the tithe since I'm not working right now? There had been a discussion about our money, and at the present time I'm not working. I am very thankful to God and grateful to my husband that I am able to stay at home. Anyway, I had peace in my spirit about paying my tithe, and now the following week, the car want to not work. I began to speak God's Word by saying 'Father, I have been faithful by honoring you with the tithe. Not only did you say that you would open of the window of heaven and pour me out a blessing that I have not room enough to receive, but you also said that you will rebuke the devourer for my sake. Right now the devil is trying to devourer our finances. I thank you Father that you have given me authority over the devil and my finances, and I choose to exercise my God-given authority right now.' I commanded that the devil cease in His maneuver and stop in his operations where my finances are concerned. I said I gonna call the repair guy and thanked and praise God for my good report. Well, I call the repair guy; he came to the house to look at the car. He looked at the car and said that it was just the theft system; it had been activated and needed to be reset. Something minor. He reset the car's theft system. I asked what did I owe him, and he said I owed him nothing! It's just the favor of God. I keep His commandments, and the Lord has given me favor with Himself and with man. And that's how you work the Word. If you will work it, it will for you!

Did you put your armor on today???

Be Encouraged today!!!

Get in Agreement with God's Word - October 2nd & 3rd

Praise the Lord!

God is good and worthy of our praise. Well if you are reading this, then you are alive and well. And if you aren't well, and you're the righteousness of God through Christ Jesus, then you can be! Healing is the children's bread, and it's already ours.

What is agreement?? I believe that it's a common ground of mutual understanding and belief. When you agree with someone, you come together on one accord, seeking and believing for the same answer/results. When I agree with someone/something, it has to be positive, beneficial and/or good for all involved. God's Word is positive; it is beneficial (to our spirit, soul and body), and it is good for all that are involved. Our healing is positive and beneficial because it keeps us alive, able to enjoy and do things necessary to live and keeps our wealth in our pockets. It is good for all involved because it keeps our loved ones from grief and sadness. I've said it before - Watch what you are saying. If what you are saying is not positive, beneficial or good for all involved, then STOP SAYING IT! Choose your words wisely for they give life or death to your situation(s). If you are always bad-mouthing your husband, you are speaking death (divorce) to your marriage. If you are saying that your children are disobedient and will never amount to anything, you are speaking death - a curse over your children. And might be thinking 'I would never curse my children' or 'Or but I love my husband and don't want to get a divorce'. But when you say things that are contrary to what the Word says, your are speaking death, a curse over that situation. The Word of God tells me that my husband love me like Christ loves the church (I am personalizing scripture); my children honor me and my husband and desire to be obedient to us so that they may live long on this earth. It is by our word that we are justified or condemned. God's Word says that we are healed, prosperous, happy, successful, blessed to be a blessing! His Word says that we can have husbands/wives that loves, build-up and encourages us. Children that loves us, obedient and healthy. These are all good things. Why Oh Why would you not be in agreement with these things. These things are positive, beneficial and good for all that are involved. God wants you to be happy! If you are happy, then you can have a positive outlook on life. Even if something should go wrong, if you are happy, you can somehow find the good or have a positive attitude about it. Being happy is good for you health - laughter is medicine to our souls. When you are happy, then everyone around you can be happy! When I am happy, my husband can enjoy his day and vise versa. You see how being in agreement with God's is good for you. And if you're just looking for misery, doom and gloom, then continue to say things contrary to God's Word. Remember you shall have what you say! Today life and death has been set before you; choose life so that you may live!

Did you put your armor on today???

Be Encouraged Today!

Turning From Sin - September 24th

Praise God!

There is now no condemnation to sin to those who belong to Christ Jesus, and we belong to Christ Jesus. Aren't you glad this day that you belong to Him, and He belongs to you. He is everywhere that we go; He never leaves us or forsake us.

Sin is a stronghold in our lives that does not line up with the Word of God. If you're not sure if something you're doing is sin, then compare it with the Word of God. If what you're doing is opposite of God's Word, then it must be sin. And for those who know to good/or do what's right and does it not, it is sin. And don't think for one second that because you go to church every time the doors are opened, you're reading your Bible everyday, or doing good deeds/works that you are saved if you are sinning in an area of your life. Now God is faithful to forgive us of those sins when we repent and TURN from them. See some of us think that 'Ok, I sin but I'll just repent of the sin when I'm finish doing what I'm doing wrong'. We as believers do not habitually sin. True repentance is when you ask God for forgiveness and purpose in your heart that you will not do that again - you get to the point where you hate the sin; it's no longer a desire for you to engage in the act of that sin. Sin can destroy you; it leads you down a path of destruction. God can not and will not look upon our sin. Vise Versa, if you are sinning and truly repent of your sin it won't destroy you. Turning from sin is part of that salvation process we talked about before. When you accept Jesus Christ of Lord and Savior of your life, the things you use to do don't just disappear. It's a battle that you can and will win with God's help. Resist the devil (temptation), and it will flee from you. God loves you; use His Word to help you to turn from the sin in your life. He wants you to succeed in this faith walk, and with His help you can.

Did you put your armor on today???

Be Encouraged today!