Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Old Writing - May 15, 2006

Good Monday Morning!
It was once told to me that if I repent fast; I'll grow fast. And I think that is due to us recognizing that we have done something that is not pleasing in the sight of God, and being able to catch it quickly and put it under the Blood of Jesus by repenting. This too is part of that fellowship He wants to have with us; this repenting. No one is perfect; though it may seem that a person has everything together on the outside, there are things that are going on that are not in eye sight. And if you see your brother or sister in sin, don't go discussing their faults with others least you find yourself in that very same destruction or something worst. Instead pray for one another. Lift them up in prayer and cover them. Love covers a multitude of sin.
Did you put your armor on today? If not, then you have not taken the necessary precautions/means to protect yourself. It is very important that you remember to do this each and everyday. Though things seem smooth and straight, you never know when the path will make a turn; and around that corner yet another battle to fight. For ther are many battle, and victory is ours in Jesus' Name.
Be Encouraged Today!!!!!
Living Water Scripture:
Oh, what joy for those whose disobedience is forgiven, whose sins are put out of sight. Yes, what joy for those whose sin is no longer counted against them by the Lord. Romans 4:7-8

Old Writing May 12, 2006

Good Friday Morning!!!!
My heart will praise the Lord all the day long. Do you understand that every illness, sickness or disease that is upon the earth, that Jesus bore all of those things upon Himself so that we don't have to. The problem, I believe, is in our confession and processsion. These things are freely given to those that belong to Him, but for some reason do not use the (authority). Maybe you don't think you're worthy to be given these things or maybe you don't know you have this authority. This is why it is so important that you stay in the Word. Like I said earlier this week, people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge (the knowledge of the Word of God).
Do you know how people get saved? In Romans 10:9,10 - If you confess with mouth and believe in your heart that Jesus is Lord of your life, and that He died on the cross for your sins, and arose on that third (3rd) day, then you are saved. It goes on to say that with the mouth you confess and with your heart you believe (this is talking about your faith). You are saved because you confessed (there's that word again). In the same way, you can be prosperous, healthy, sane, happy/joyous, an dhave the thing that the Word of God says you can have! What are you confessing today? What are you saying about your situations, husband, children, mother, father, or job? Remember you shall have what you say. Even though you think you complaints and idle works (about your husband, children, family, and friends)arent' confessions, but they are coming out of your mouth; and believe it or not your words have power - either to give life or death unto your situation.. Let's start saying what God has to say about our situation. For He knows the thoughts He has towards you, they thought of good and not of evil, to give you a hope (future) - an expected end.
Did you put your armor today???

Old Writing - May 11, 2006

Good Morning!!!!!

I will praise the Lord with all my soul, and all that is within me..... Praise His Holy Name. Please take the time to read the Living Water today. It kinda goes along with what I was talking about yesterday. God wants so much to be close to us. He wants us to draw nigh (near) unto Him, and He to us. We should desire to be named 'A good friend of the Lord' - no longer calling us servant. He wants so much to be invited into our/your day. If you stomped your big toe this morning and hurt really bad, this may seem like something really small to call on the Lord for, but the Lord wants you to call on Him even in the little things. Nothing is too small or too insignificant that isn't important to Him.

In these last days, a relationship with the Father will be very important. You nor I want to hear the words 'Depart from me for I never knew you'. That will not be....that can not be me! I refuse to hear those words. Just as you would work at a relationship with a husband, child, mother, father or friend, we should so much more desire and reach for that relationship with the Father.

What if there comes a time when the written Word was no more; it was banned. If you don't have the Word on the inside of you, you would be in big trouble. Reading the Word is part of that fellowship with the Father.

Did you put your armor on today???

Be Encouraged Today!!!

Living Water:

Draw close to God, and God will draw close to you. James 4:8

Abraham believed God......He was even called "the friend of God." James 2:23

Old Writing - May 10, 2006

Good Morning!

Praise the Lord for Hists on the throne...........even on this rainy day. I want tot encourage you to invite the Lord in your day everyday. Some things we take for granted when it comes to the Lord. We expect Him to protect, heal and be with us everyday all day. The Word of God tells me that if 'I ask; I will receive'. If you do not ask the Lord t protect you, heal or be involved in your day, then this is why things are allowed to happened. The Word of God also tells me that 'My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge'. some people expect God to just be there. Yes, He is ever present. When we ask God for these things or any other thing, it is part of that fellowship that He wants so much to have with each of us. It helps cultivate the relationship we have with Him.

Example: If you never talk to your husband or friends, would you expect to have a good relationship with them?? A relationship requires communication - interaction.

So even if your thing/situation my seem small in some eyes, ask the Lord anyway. He is always so happy when we take the time to fellowship with Him. I myself enjoy the fellowship. It gives me peace to know that He knows what's going on in my life and how I feel about those things (yes, He already knows; I know). Not that He doesn't see it already, but I've talk to Him; and I know that He has already sent His angels out to prepare a smooth path because I have consulted with Him first.

Did you put your armor on today?

Be Encouraged Today!

Old Writing - May 9, 2006

Good Morning!

I want to encourage you today to stay on the side of "good". The Word tells us that if we are "lukewarm: that He (God) will spit us out of His mouth. I'll be the first to admit, cause I'll tell on myselft first, that I have the tendency to "straddle the fence" in some things. Not that I don't believe God can handle it , but what it is is that it, the situation, seems to be too big for me. This life He's put before us to walk is not difficult, for He will never put anything on us that we can not bare. He can and will do the impossible in all of our lives. So fight the good figtht of faith always. Stay on the side of good, for this is a battle that we fight everyday. We do not fight against flesh and blood, but against evil spirits in high places. It says in the Bible to choose you this day whom you will serve. If you're not serving God then you are living for that other guy......... Seek His will, His Word for the purpose of your life here. There is no mistake that where you are now is where you should be. If you are willing to learn and move to the next level, then He will b e with. IT IS TIME TO GET SERIOUS! You must arm yourself with the Word of the Lord to withstand the things that are coming!

Did you put your armor on today?

Be Encouraged Today!

Living Water Scripture:

O Sovereign Lord! You have made the heavens and the earth by your great power. Nothing i s too hard for you. Jeremiah 32:17

Old Writings - May 8, 2006


Remember when you pray to pray His Word. Also remember that you can roll all of your cares over on Him. He is willing and able to take care of anything for us. Nothing is impossible with Him to those that believe.

Living Water Scripture:

Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He has done. Philippians 4:6.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

New Year's Resolutions

Happy, Happy New Year!!!!
It's a new year for new beginnings, for new ideas, and new chances. Here's the time when most people make the decisions to loose weight, to be a better person, to start saving money, to get out of their parents house, to be nicer to their spouse, to be more honest to others and themselves. These are all good resolutions to make. Some of us need to loose weight for our health, or just so that we can feel good about ourselves. I've always said "When you look good, you feel good. Some of us need to be better people and tell the truth. Some of us have been living double lives. No one really knows who we truly are; maybe you are having the problem of knowing exactly who you are. You're still trying to "find" yourself. Maybe you've been living a lie - trying to live above your means, or maybe you've developed a lifestyle that's not pleasing to the Lord (and you know, but don't know how to get out). Some of us have made the decision to be nicer to our spouse; to give them the respect that they deserve. To love them more; to love yourself more. Some of us have develop a knack for destroying our marriages with our mouths and our actions. Some of us destroy our marriage by nagging and getting upset over misunderstandings that could easily be resolved with a simple conversation. Some of us have literally shut ourselves off from our spouse by not talking and not touching (yes, touch is very important in a marriage, and not all sexual touch - rubbing your spouse back or neck, holding hands, or just sitting close on the couch). I've even heard of people that are married not giving the other the courtesy of knowing where they are going (now that's down right disrespectful). These are good to make and to keep. And if you've made any of these resolutions, ask the Holy Spirit to help you keep them - He is our helper, and He will help you even in this.
We make all these resolutions that will make their lives better, but sometimes we forget about the Lord. There is always room for improvement and for growth where our faith in God - our relationship. Make the resolution to read a chapter everyday. There are study guides in front of most Bibles where you can read through the Bible in a year - use them. Make the resolution that everyday at the same time you're gonna take at least fifteen (15) minutes to pray and talk with the Father. Don't worry if you go over. The fifteen (15) minutes is only a beginning; you'll need to increase as you grow in the Lord. Even if you have to start with only ten (10) minutes, then do so - just begin. Make the decision to praise Him more. He loves for us to praise Him, to love on Him. Make the decision to tell someone about the things of God you've learn - a word from God can change a person's life. You never know what people are going through, and you could have that very word that can set them free. Just don't forget to leave God out of this new year. Trust me, we are going to need Him more now than ever.
God's loves you, and desires to see you succeed in every area of your life - spiritual as well as your personal life. You can succeed at having the life that you desire and that God desires for us to have. Just don't forget about Him. He is always thinking about you. Roll all of your cares over on Him for He cares for you.
Did you put your armor on today???
Be Encouraged Today!