Friday, September 6, 2013

Is God in Your Story?

There are many who say “Lord, Lord”, worshiping and honoring me with their lips, but their hearts are far from God (Isaiah 29:13). There are many who have ask Jesus to be Lord of their lives, but they do not live for Him. There are many who want God to provide and perform miracles in their lives, but do not want His Word operating in their lives. I, you are the only one who can say if God is a part of our lives, your story. This life that we live is like a story; it has a beginning, middle and an end. It has its ups and downs; its good times and bad. People come in for a reason or a season, but how about God? Does He play are part in your life story? God is the Alpha and Omega; He’s the beginning and the end (Revelation 22:13). He knows our beginning and end and every point in between; He knows the thoughts and plans He has for us, thoughts of good and not of evil, to give us a future and hope (Jeremiah 29:11). His plan involves our being reconciled back onto Him through the receiving of His Son, Jesus, so that the promises of His Word can be manifested in our life. He knows everything about us; He even knows the number of hairs on our heads (Luke 12:7). Is God a major character in your life story or is He a prop in your story on a wall or in a corner collecting dust? If He’s just a prop in your story, then He is not always with you, nor does he bare any importance in your life. Does He have a role in your story – a speaking role or is He just an extra that helps you to appear to be a “good” person? Does His character have influence in your story? Does His character’s words, answers or decisions in your life story effect the outcome of your character’s role? Does God’s role in your life story bares enough importance to make it to the end of the story or does He die out early or in the middle? This is our life’s story. We have to keep talking, interacting and listening to keep Him in our story. His words and answers for our life’s story to be successful should have enough importance to affect our stories. Is God in your story? Is His character’s role important enough to see change in your life? We are the only one who can answer these questions. Ask yourself these questions and be honest with yourself. If God is not a character in your life’s story, then you can make Him a part of it. You can give Him an important, influential, speaking role in your life’s story. Only you know if you attend church to say that you go to church, only you can say if God is truly a part of your life – Only You! Are you walking, to the best of your knowledge and ability, according to the Word of God? I have answered these questions, and there are areas that I need tighten up; areas I know that I can and should do better. You have to be honest with yourself; I always am. If I am not honest with myself, then how can I expect others to be honest with me? I love me too much to lie to me. Don’t lie to yourself and find yourself left behind. Honesty is always the best policy especially when it comes to you, your eternity. This is part of that evaluating yourself to make sure that you are walking in the right direction – God’s direction. Just a little something to make you say “Hmm?” Remember there's a sinner's prayer on this site. If you have back-slid or haven't tasted and seen that the Lord is Good, say this prayer. You don't have to be in a church building to receive Jesus as Lord and Savior. There is a moment that will happen, and it will happen in a twinkling of an eye (as fast as you can blink), and those who have confessed Jesus as Lord and have walked according to the Word of God will be raptured up to be with Him forever and ever. Yes, it sounds too fantastical to be real, but don't take the chance that it's not and be left behind. So don't put this off. No one knows the hour or the day when this will take place, but it is for us to be ready when it's time to go. The first step is to receive Jesus as Lord and Savior. If you say this prayer, contact me; let me welcome you and personally encouraged you in your new life with Jesus! Did you put your armor on today??? Be Encouraged Today!!!