Sunday, September 12, 2010

Sons and Daughters

I was up late the other night; I couldn’t sleep. So I just began to thank the Lord and told Him how much I appreciate Him – you know just loved on Him. I began to listen, and I heard that we are all children of God. We were all made/birth in His image, but we are not all sons and daughters of God. He showed me this in this illustration:

A billionaire father has twelve (12) children, but only four (4) were mature enough to run the family business and would truly enjoy the benefits of the inheritance the father had for the children. These four (4) walked, talked, studied and mimicked their father so they could continue and have the success their father had and had put in place for them to have. The other eight (8) didn’t put forth the time or the effort to truly learn of or from the father. They never really cultivate the relationship with the father. They had access to the father; they saw him in passing. They said their hellos and goodbyes so quickly; they so busy living and enjoying life that they didn’t have the time to spend quality time with the father; after all, he would always be there – he was always there when they needed something. These eight(8) would miss out on the true, full inheritance the father could give them.

Those of us that do our Father God’s Will (His Word) are Sons and Daughters. We who take the time to talk and walk with Him are Sons and Daughters. We who study our Father God and mimic His ways (DWJD – Do What Jesus Did) are Sons and Daughters. Sons and Daughters do not only go to church to be present and hear the Word of God, but allow the seed of the Word heard to go down into their hearts. They begin to water that seed with the Living Water – meditating on it day and night, allowing that seed to grow, to flourish and to produce fruit in their lives. Then they apply the word that they heard and walk it out in their lives. They allow true change to take place by studying and operating the Word of God in their lives. Old things have passed away behold all things have become new.

The “children” grown up and do their own thing, not the Father's. The “children” grow up knowing of the Father, but not knowing Him, and they miss out. They miss out on the true prosperity that God has for them in every area of their lives. Don’t miss out. Allow yourself to mature and grow in the things of God. It is not enough to have said the sinner’s prayer; graduate from spiritual kindergarten; get off the milk. Start walking and talking with the Father. Desire to see His Word manifested in your life. Study Him, His Word, so you can know Him, so you can do what He did so you can enjoy the benefits of His inheritance He has for you.

We all have the opportunity to become Sons and Daughters of God, but we all are not putting forth the time and effort to become Sons and Daughters of God. I know that some of you reading this and are not in agreement with this. Pray about it, and ask the Father. I am interested to know what you think of this. I will share some other things in a separate blog.

Did you put your armor on today???

Be Encouraged Today!!!

Remember there is a sinner’s prayer on this blog site. This is the first step in preparing for that moment, in a twinkling of an eye. Jesus loves you, and died you that you might have life and that more abundantly.

1 comment:

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