Friday, May 29, 2015
Boy, I'm Glad God Didn't Answer That Prayer!
Well school is out, and the kiddos at home with Mommy! This past month has been hectic, but I got my boys IEP meetings done! And all of my kids had different dates for their schools field days (all can be seen on my Facebook Page), and yes, I attended and volunteered at each one. It’s was good hot fun. Dorrien graduated from Kindergarten, and we are just tickled pink. We are so very proud of him, and all of kiddies! Being a mom is very rewarding, but also very busy. I am so very fortunate to be a stay-at-home mom that is able and willing to attend every little function the schools have. I love my kids!
I know you are looking at this title and wondering “Ok, where is she going with this????” Being as busy as have been this last month and half with my children, I thought about something I prayed for, in earnest, during my first pregnancy. I prayed and prayed to have twins! My mom was a twin, so I knew the “twin gene” was available. I prayed for girl and boy identical twins. My thinking was that I could have my kids in one shot and be done. Perhaps, my heart wasn’t exactly in the right place to receive ; ). This was something I wanted very much, and the things we want the most we will make an effort to get, and this includes devotion to prayer. Well after about two (2) weeks of my beautiful daughter, Angelina, was here, I was super happy that my prayer for twins was not granted. I’m not saying I couldn’t have handled it, but God knows best. He knows what we need when we need it. Right now my family is looking to purchase our first home, but I will understand if God says “Not right now, My Daughter”. God is the Alpha and Omega, The Beginning and the End. He also personally knows all of our beginnings and endings, and all points in between. I will say that MOST of the time if my prayer isn’t answered, I can trust that God knows if I need that thing in my life at that particular point. And then there times when I pray and I feel that it the perfect time for me to have or receive what I ask, and sometimes it bothers me. Yes, there is still A LOT of room for growth in me. Over time, I get over it and move on, or something happens and I’m like “Boy, I’m glad God didn’t answer that prayer”. Hindsight is 20-20 they tell me.
We have to remember that God knows the thoughts and plans He has for us; they are thoughts of good and not of evil; to give us hope and a future. God is a good Father that knows how to give good gifts unto His children (These gifts include Spiritual Gifts too). God loves us, and He only wants the best for us, and if we can grasp this, we will be able to get on God’s time table a lot easier. God is not trying to withhold any good thing from us. I am still learning this in some areas (my children). There are a lot of things I think that I can handle, but God is saying not now. I know this and so do you, that when we pray God will say “yes”, “no” or “wait, not now”. We want every “right now”! With the “wait, not now”, we have to be patient and not try to override God because that’s when we create headaches for ourselves; it’s not the devil when we override God. It’s all our doing.
If God gave us everything we prayed, in earnest, for, we would be like “Oh God, why did you give me this or allow me to do this? Didn’t you see that I wasn’t ready; that it was not my time?” God could have been like “Well, you kept asking me day and night, night and day. I finally got tire of your asking and gave it to you. I tried to tell you, but Nooooooooo; you just had to have right now!” Aren’t we glad that God is not like that? Yes, I see nodding your head. When God doesn’t answer our prayer, and something happens to make us realize that what we prayed for was not good for us, we should do a praise dance! Thank you Lord, for not giving me twins when I asked for them! I know there are some wonderful, strong mothers out there with twins, and I say more power to you, and God bless you.
Let’s practice and learn how to wait on God. There is absolutely nothing wrong with asking because that’s what God wants us to do; He wants us to come unto and release our faith for that which we desire. He does give us the desires of our hearts, and I love Him for that. He wants us to keep asking, to keep knocking and to keep searching (not just for things in this physical realm, but so much more for the Spiritual that are needed in the day and hour). But don’t get discourage when He says “wait, not now” or when He says “no”. He is our Father God who loves us so very much, and He only wants the best for us. Sometimes that means we won’t get what we ask for because it’s not good for us; it will cause us much more sorrow than joy. And we all want to be happy!
Did you put your armor on today???
Be Encouraged Today!!!
Remember there's a sinners prayer on this site. If you have backslid or haven't tasted and seen that the Lord is Good, then say this prayer ��. I know all of this sounds too fantastical to be real, but don't take the chance that it’s not and be left behind. There's a moment that will have happen, in a twinkling of an eye, and those of us who belong to Christ Jesus will be with Him forever and ever. If you say this prayer �� contact me, and let me encouraged and personally welcome you into God's Kingdom.
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