Sunday, March 30, 2008

God is Speaking - July 20, 2006

Here's an earlier inspirational encouragement before the blog. Look for more to come. Enjoy!

I am so glad to be back (this is my faith speaking..............LOL). The Living Word is so right. God is always speaking, but are we always listening...................... I pray I am always tuned into what God is saying (this is my faith speaking); I am calling those things to be not as though they are. There's a scripture in the Bible that states 'My sheep know my voice, and a voice of a stranger they'll not follow'. We can confess our faith that we know His voice and any other voice we'll not follow. There's the voice of God, the voice of self, voice of fear, and voice of demons. One way I know that it is God speaking to me is that it lines up with His Word. There's was a lady in this area a while back that stated that God told her to kill her grandchildren. Now, do you believe this was the voice of God???? No! His Word says 'Thou shalt not kill'. This does not line up with His Word, so this woman should have known, if she's a true child of God, that this was not God speaking to her. If a voice is telling you to be rude, ugly, to do harm to someone, it's not God. Alot of times we are not listening to the Voice of the Lord (ouch hallelujah!). I am speaking to myself first. But with the confession that I know my Father's voice, and a voice of a stranger I'll not follow will help me to remember to first evaluate the voice (or thought), and figure out who is generating that voice/thought. Is it me; is it God or is it some other outside force.

Did you put your armor on today????

Be Encouraged Today!!!!!!

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