Friday, February 19, 2010

A Compassionate Jesus!

Hey Everybody,

This year I have decided to read through the entire Bible. I am using one of the reading plans on Bible Gateway’s site. You know how you’ve read a scripture before, but you read it again and a “light” comes on; or it causes you to pause and ponder. Well I am using the reading plan that allows you to read some of the Old Testament and The New Testament at the same time. In reading The New Testament, I’m reading a lot about Jesus – as I have done many times before. But in reading about Jesus casting out demons and healing the sick, it mentions many times how Jesus was moved or filled with compassion. Compassion? I think I know what compassion means, but I decided to look it up in the dictionary (my sister/asst. pastor does this a lot). Compassion is defined as a deep awareness of the suffering of another.

Jesus is deeply aware of our sufferings. He’s see us right where we are, and just as He healed the sick, He will do the same for us. Healing can take place in areas other than the body; it can take place in our minds, hearts, and finances. I’ve even laid hands and prayed for my car smile . I once was in a place where I thought I was a failure. I did and said things that hurt those around me. My mom use to always say ‘Hurting people hurt people’. On the outside, you’d never have known that anything was wrong. On the inside, I was hurting, angry and just downright selfish (did whatever made ME happy not thinking of those I might hurt).

One day I was looking at myself and was disgusted at the person I had become. Alone in my home, I began to talk to Jesus as I had done so many times before. He heard me when I said “Lord, I don’t want to do this anymore! I need a way out; I need You to help me!” He heard my cry; He was filled with compassion, He knew I really wanted to change. He knows the intent of the heart of every man; so don’t think you can fool Him. I meant every word I’d said to Jesus that night. I didn’t want to live the way I was living anymore! I renewed my relationship with Jesus. Those who went to school (Junior high and high school) with me know how I was a “Bible Toting Teen”. I asked for that same passion, desire – that FIRE – to be renewed in my spirit. He, Jesus, was filled with compassion yet again for me. Just as He has done this for me, He can and will do for you – He is no respecter of persons. Maybe you don’t need healing in your body today, but we all need the compassion of Jesus in our lives every day. I had to come back to the realization that Jesus is so in Love with ME – Yes, Jesus is in Love with me! He loved me so much that He gave His life for mine. He saw how I suffered, torn between the Spirit and the flesh. The Spirit Won! Praise the Lord; I am so glad it did. We all have or have had things in our lives that need or needed to be kicked out. Take a good look at your life; you know what or who it is. Make the choice to line your life up with the Word of God. Everything and everyone that doesn’t line up with the Word of God you need to kick out. Let me say this – every THING that doesn’t line up with God’s Word, kick it out. For those (people) that do not want to go God’s Way, you need pray for them. If this person is not in your household (spouse or child(ren), you might want to distance yourself and pray for them. Your manner of life, living for Christ, can win them for the Kingdom of God. Don’t give up on them, continue to pray. Jesus and some of family never gave up on us. If that person is doing or saying things to influence you to do or say things not pleasing in God’s sight – distance yourself – lots and lots of distance.

So many people are going through their own trial(s) right now. So many of us are hurting or we’re lost. All that we will ever need can be found in a compassionate Jesus who loves us and intercedes for us. He wants us to be happy, to be whole, and to be prosperous and a success.

Jesus is in Love with YOU! HE LOVES YOU! He is waiting for you to accept His love –to accept Him.

Remember there is a sinner’s prayer on this site. If you pray it and want to
contact me, please do.

Did you put your armor on today???

Be Encouraged Today!!!

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