Well, the newest and very last addtion to the LPC's (Loud Pirozzi Clan) arrived on September 9, 2011. I went into the hospital around 6:00 AM and had Gianni at 10:52 AM - WOW! Praise God. I had an awesome birth experience which made up for the last one. Everything went just as I hoped it would; as a matter of fact, Gianni was trying to come on his own. Dr. Russell did an AWESOME job in delivery & the nurses in delivery were kind, compassionate & fun. It really was a wonderful experience.
But during this pregnancy, I dealt with alittle depression (I don't know where they was coming from). Even on my worst days, I don't let thing "keep" me down; it might come, but it never stayed like this. I wasn't reading or praying as I should, and I had a really bad attitude (pregnant horomones included). None of my other pregnancies did I feel this way. I mean, I know what's at stake here. I know that Jesus can come back any day now. I know, as I have told all of you, that I need to be ready when He comes. When you do not stay in the Word of God, you'll do less of the Word of God. We have to always keep the Word before us so that we can do the Word of God. But this feeling had attached itself to me, and it was somewhat hard to get rid of. But with much prayer and confession of the Word of God, I pulled through. I said all this to show you that we serve an Awesome God, a Faithful & Loyal God. He loves us so much. Because I wasn't doing what I know to do, I was in sin. The Word of God tells us 'For those who know to do good, and does it not; to him it becomes sin(James 4:17). Reading, studying and praying the Word of God is good, and it is good for me, and I know this but wasn't doing it.
Even though all this was going on, God was still faithful. He extended grace to me for a good birth experience. He knew how important it was for me to have a good experience. While I was in my hospital room alone, I thanked the Lord for my good experience, and that Gianni was healthy and whole and so was I. All I could hear was 'That's my Grace.' I cried and thanked him some more. I wasn't doing what I was suppose to do according to His Word, but He was still there, He still allowed me to have a good birthing experience when He didn't have to. Alot of time we think that God should do good unto us all the times. When we are not doing the Word of God, we come from under the covering of God's Hand. Can He still bless us when we are not doing His Word? YES! But does He have to? NO! He knows some people are not going to do His Word no matter what. But He knows the heart of every man, woman and child; He knows those who have grace and mercy extended to them, and they will turn and repent and return unto Him. He knows those that belong to Him.
No matter what is going on in your life, keep pressing through to God. Your answer, your Breakthough is closer than you think. Don't give up! With God on your side, there is nothing too hard or impossible to accomplish! Victory can be and will be yours if you'll just hold on. Don't continue in your disobidience or you will frustrate the grace of God - it will not be there for you if you continue in your sin. God knows when you "repent" if you really mean it or not. You can not fool God! But if you repent and really mean it God Grace is there for you.
Did you put your armor on today???
Be Encouraged Today!!!
Remember there's a sinner's prayer on this site. If you pray it, contact me!
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