Monday, April 1, 2013

He has RISEN!!!

Well, Praise the Lord! We just celebrated one of the most important days in the Christian Faith - The Ressurrection of Jesus Christ. If anyone tells you that Jesus was just a "good man", they are sadly mistaken and WRONG! Don't let them tell you that Jesus was not God; He was God made flesh. Just as I wear many hats (Shan the Wife, Shan the Mother, Shan the Daughter - Thanks mom for the clarity), God is God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. God said "Let US make man in our image." If someone tells you that Jesus is not worthy of your praise, well............. I'll keep my opinion on that and say just pray for them. He gave His LIFE so that we can boldly enter the Throne Room of God; so that we can be reconciled back unto Father; so that we can call God - Father, Dear Father (Abba Father). Get in the Word of God and know It for yourself. Don't rely on what others say lest you allow deception to enter. I am not saying to not listen to others, but go search out the Word of God for yourself to make sure what they are saying is in line with the Word of God; that it bares witness with your Spirit. We are in the Last Days, and the Word of God tells us that even the "Elect" (Those that know the Word) will be deceived. Ask the God, The Holy Spirit, to help you not be deceived; He is the Helper, The Councilor. Now more than ever we need to know the Word of God. Be bold and stand up for what you believe. Do not be afraid to tell others that would say things, like above, what you believe is Truth. It is time for the Body of Christ to be BOLD, and stand up for our Lord, Jesus, and the Word of God. And for those who would argue when Jesus was "really risen" I say "I don't care when it happened, but THAT it happened". I don't care if Jesus wasn't born on exactly December 25th, but that He was BORN. It Happened. He was Born, He died, and He Rose AGAIN. He is seated at the right hand of God, and is soon coming again. Things are getting in place for His return. Don't be caught off guard, distracted and without enough "oil" as the five foolish brides - I'm talking to myself first. Be ever watchful, ready. My mom and I were talking about how it will be "unpopular" to wear the name "Christian" soon; it's already happening and some are abandoning what they believed for years. Don't give in to the ways of this world. Stand for Truth - The Word of God. Remember there's a sinner's prayer on this site. If you have back-slid or haven't tasted and seen that the Lord is Good, say this prayer. You don't have to be in a church building to receive Jesus as Lord and Savior. There is a moment that will happen, and it will happen in a twinkling of an eye (as fast as you can blink), and those who have confessed Jesus as Lord and have walked according to the Word of God will be raptured up to be with Him forever and ever. Yes, it sounds too fantastical to be real, but don't take the chance that it's not and be left behind. So don't put this off. No one knows the hour or the day when this will take place, but it is for us to be ready when it's time to go. The first step is to receive Jesus as Lord and Savior. If you say this prayer, contact me; let me welcome you and personally encouraged you in your new life with Jesus! Did you put your armor on today??? Be Encouraged Today!!!