Sunday, May 26, 2013

Love is an Action Word

Today I want to talk about love. Love is a beautiful, powerful thing. Love can bring out the best and sometimes the worst in us – sometimes I smother the kids : (. But I do this because I love them; I want them to know that Mommy will always be there for them, and that I am available to them. That’s one of the reasons I love being at stay-at-home mom, and hope that I can continue to be that mom. As a mom, I make sure that my kids have everything that they need, and some of the things they want - they don’t just get everything. I DO this because I love them, and I want to see them happy. I try my best to cook healthy, some of my husband’s favorite dishes because I love to see my husband enjoy his meals; it gives me joy see my family enjoy dinner or whatever I’ve cooked. I DO these things because I love my family very much. Husbands and wives should say that they love each other. I love to hear my husband say “I love you”. But I also think it is important for both the husband and the wife to show, with actions, that they love each other, because just saying the words is not enough. I notice when my husband has seen that all week, as a stay-at-home mom, I’ve had to deal with the kids and need a break, and he decides to give the kids a bath. Or when he will go from store to store to bring me something that he knows I like, I see that; I appreciate that. He could have stopped at the first, and when they didn’t have it that it would be the end. In a marriage, each spouse should think about ‘What can I do to make their life happier, more enjoyable’. I think if more marriage would think this way, we would see happier, healthier and successful marriages. Don’t just say “I love you”; show, with action, how much you love. I think about some of the Lifetime movies I’ve seen where the husband tells his wife he loves her every day, but is having an affair on the side – that is not love. When you love your spouse you will honor not only the person, but the marriage relationship. You would make sure not do the thing(s) that would anger your spouse. I’ve heard that some men think their wives look “sexy when angry”. What?? That should never happen or even said. Husbands are to dwell with the wives according to marriage; that's the Word of God. Instead you would try your very best to please your spouse, and do what you could to make their lives happy. It’s the same with our relationship with God. His action of giving His only Son to die for us so that we could be reconciled back unto Him is one of the greatest act of love I know; the other is Jesus dying for us even though we were siners. I am so glad that God loves us some much. Not only did He give us His Son, but He gave us His Word so that we can live good, healthy and prosperous lives. He has given us a handbook for life, the Bible, so there is no question as to what He expects of us. He has given us authority to speak His Word, and see it manifested in our lives, in our loved one lives. He has given us everything; the least we can do is live for Him. Jesus died so that we can have life. We have the Blood of Jesus, and it has the Power of Healing and Protection. He took stripes on His back so that we can be healed. He lived a sinless life so that He could be the Lamb that was slain so through that selfless act we could be saved; so that we could escape the torment of Hell, and live in Heaven. Love is an action word. That means you have DO something; move around; not just merely speaking words. Reward your children to show how much you are proud them, and that you love them, hug and kiss them often. Look to see how you can put a smile on your spouse face, other than sex (it’s not all about that). Listen to your spouse, and you will hear of all the ways you can make them happy in the smallest of ways. Most important, take the time to tell God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit how much you love and appreciate all They do for you and your family. Take the time to praise and worship God. During prayer, don’t just make your request known, but love on God. And even more important than telling Them, show Them by keeping the commandments, by speaking the Word in your lives and by walking according to the Word of God. God knows that we aren’t perfect, but to the best of your ability, with the help of the Holy Spirit, live your life for God. This is how we can show our love to God. You have read/study the Word, pray, help others – Love = Action! Remember there's a sinner's prayer on this site. If you have back-slid or haven't tasted and seen that the Lord is Good, say this prayer. You don't have to be in a church building to receive Jesus as Lord and Savior. There is a moment that will happen, and it will happen in a twinkling of an eye (as fast as you can blink), and those who have confessed Jesus as Lord and have walked according to the Word of God will be raptured up to be with Him forever and ever. Yes, it sounds too fantastical to be real, but don't take the chance that it's not and be left behind. So don't put this off. No one knows the hour or the day when this will take place, but it is for us to be ready when it's time to go. The first step is to receive Jesus as Lord and Savior. If you say this prayer, contact me; let me welcome you and personally encouraged you in your new life with Jesus! Did you put your armor on today??? Be Encouraged Today!!!

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