Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Fear Has Torment


I know I've been missing in action lately, but as most of you know, I have a brand new beautiful baby girl. We have just about gotten the routine down, but some days are hit and miss. Being a new mother is wonderful, but as my mother says "Babies are W-O-R-K", and they are. But in this new role, worry and fear have tried to take hold of me.

The word of God tells me that 'God has not given me a spirit of fear but of love and of power and of a sound mind. This fear that something was going to happen to my child tried to take a strong grip of my mind. I couldn't really sleep because I was constantly looking to make sure that she was still breathing. And you might be saying 'You a new mom and every new mom goes throught that'. But every new mom is not a child of God. I know what the Word of God says. I know that I have the authority to bind up any and everything that is not of God, but for some reason I was not able to speak the Word of God - and I know the Word of God. But the enemy knew this fear, and I would wake up time and time again to see if my baby was breathing. And yes, I plead the Blood of Jesus over her life, and commanded her guardian angels to protect her everywhere and from everything. I spoke over her that she lives, breathes and moves in divine health that her Father God has given her. I got the prayer warriors at my home church to agree with me concerning this matter, and that very day I took charge over that fear. I commanded it to leave me and my household. I do not have a spirit of fear but of love and of power and of a sound mind. The devil has no dominion nor any authority over me. I rebuke satan in the name of the Lord. And every since then, if the fear tried to come, I immediately speak the Word of the Almighty God above and pray in the spirit. The devil thought he was gonna have me on the run but not today nor the next. Speak the Word of God concerning your situation. Just because the doctor says it doesn't look good, that's not what the Word of God says. Just because it doesn't look like somethings not going to happen or come through for you, that is not what God Word says - He gives us the desires of our hearts, and ALL things are possible to those who can believe. The key here is that you have to truely believe what God's Word says that you are, what you can have and what you can do. You can do all things through Christ which strengthen you. You are more than a conqueror in God through Christ Jesus. Because God is for YOU no one or nothing can sucessfully be against. Jesus is for YOU! Believe it! Claim it! Lay Hold of it today! He loves You! And the devil is a liar and a defeated foe! Don't let the enemy frighten, don't let him "punk you out". The devil comes to kill, steal and destroy that which God has placed on the inside of you. The devil will have you so stressed out and in fear that you forget who you are in Christ Jesus. I am here today to tell you and encourage you to get up out of that fear because the Greater One lives on the inside of you. You are strong in the Lord and in the power of His might - Believe it this day!

Did you put your armor of today???

Be Encouraged Today!!!

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