Sunday, January 24, 2010

Who or What is Greater than God to You?

Well Glory, Hallelujah! I know my God is good, and He is good all the time. I tell you what…..that ‘old slue-footed devil has been busy. One day I’ll go into detail about all that has been going on, but I know I have the VICTORY in Jesus! I have had to fight the good fight of faith. I know the devil is not happy with me, and I DON’T CARE! And because he (the enemy/devil) is trying to mess with me and mine, I’m messing with him and his. If you haven’t been to the blog lately, then you will see that there is a sinner’s prayer on the left side. I am going to win as many souls as I possibly can. I have a flyer that I going to post up everywhere that I can. The devil wants to mess with me and “try” to do some damage; well, LET’S WINS SOME SOULS AND DO SOME DAMAGE TO THE KINGDOM OF DARKNESS!

But our God is so so good. What the devil has meant for harm, God has turned for our good. I am reading through the Bible this year, and in Genesis 50:20 it’s talking about Joseph and what his brothers had done to him (they sold him). What Joseph’s brothers intended for his harm, God intended for good to accomplish the saving of many lives – physical lives. This trial that I am going through is intended for my harm, but my Father God has intended it for my good to accomplish maturity, character, endurance, to increase my faith and confidence in His ability to perform His Word, and to equip me to win many souls for His Kingdom. This trial has caused me to check my level of trust in the God I say I serve. It has caused me to seek His Word in how to confidently trust in Him. I thought I knew how to rest, rely and confidently trust in my Father, but it was in not-so-big things that I had learned to do this. This trial is the biggest I’ve had to conqueror. But thanks be unto to my God who always causes me to triumph!

Now this trial would cause some to give out, cave in and give up, but one day I heard my Father say “Victory in Jesus”; He even put it in the form of a song; He knew that I would sing and dance before Him. James 5:13 says – Is any of you in trouble? He should pray. Is anyone happy? Let him sing songs of praise. I was having trouble, so I prayed. But I wasn’t happy until revelation came. When stuff we go through is heavy, we have to have the Word of God on the inside of us. When this great trial came up, I had to remember that the Greater One lives on the inside of me; I remembered who I belong to – not that I forgot, but we’ll get there. Not only does He live on the inside of me, but He is greater than he that is in this world. The joy of the Lord is our strength. The Lord will give you a song to sing – a new song of praise and deliverance – Victory in Jesus! He has also given us His Word to stand on, to encourage us and to build us up in our most holy faith. This is why I say that it is important to study the Word of God and mediate on it (this is part of maintaining your relationship with God). When you do this, the Word of God is on the inside of you at the “ready”; though the enemy may come and shake your world, that Word of God on the inside of you helps rally and plant our your feet back on solid/secure ground.

This is what I had to do. The enemy has been on the attack over here. It kind of tried to have me shaken. One day as I was doing my confessions, which I do daily, and I got to the part where I confess that God is for me who can successfully be against me (Romans 8); God is on my side. I don’t have to fear. What can man do to me? It was like a “light bulb” turned on! I had said over and over again that I was rolling this care over on the Lord, but I kept putting my hands over in it. I felt if I’m not doing anything, then nothing was getting done. But I was doing everything, and not letting God do anything. I had not taken my “hands” off the situation; therefore, doubt and fear came in. I was operating by the “arm of the flesh” (doing things my own way) to get the results I thought I should have. It was shown to me that though I thought I was operating in faith I was actually operating in fear. Lord help us all! I was confessing the Word of God and doing all that I knew to do, but things I was doing were guided by fear and not by the Holy Spirit (He leads us into all truth; He’s the Helper/Counselor). I didn’t lose sleep over the situation, but fear was there in that it seemed like it was “little ole me” against these big power giants. It was revealed unto me during confession – THE LORD GOD IS ON YOUR SIDE, SHAN! GOD is on our, the righteous, side. He is not on the wicked side, but OURS! There is no one or nothing greater or more powerful than the God that I serve. I know this, I have been confessing this for years, but a hard and heavy trial had come and for a moment – I took my eyes off of the Lord and began looking at my troubles/situation. I was like Peter when he walked on water; the winds and waves made him get his eyes off Jesus and he, Peter, began to go down. Yeah, I know – I should have known better, but I tell you this because I too am human and have to deal with this flesh. But the Word of the Most High is written on the tablets of my heart (Proverbs 7:2, 3). I was also reminded that Jesus, My Savior, ever lives to make intercession for me – Jesus prays for me (Romans 8:34)! When I realized what had gone on, I immediately asked the Lord to forgive me for operating in fear and not confidently trusting in Him. We, Christians, have to learn these things, like confidently trusting, and the way we learn them is by learning the Word of God. Everything we need is in Him/His Word (they are ONE).

Your trial might not be exactly like mine, but it might come in the form of a situation with a spouse or child, or your job or with your finances, but remember this - THERE IS NOTHING TOO HARD FOR GOD! NOTHING! MY God made the Heavens and the Earth! I’m talking about my God who split the Red Sea and caused His people to cross to safety! That’s how awesome and powerful MY God is. He is the same today (in this day and age), as He was yesterday (in the Old and New Testament) – The Same God! If He did it then, He can and will do it now!

Saints of God, gear up on your faith and your trust in God. Get in His Word – THE B-I-B-L-E! The devil is busy seeking those he can devour; those he can get their eyes off the prize we have in Jesus. He knows that his time is short. I know the devil is not happy with me, because I have made the choice to go all the way with Jesus, and to get about my Father God’s business – doing my part in building His Kingdom and to win as many souls for the Kingdom of Heaven. I tell the Father all the time “Here I am, use me!” Yeah it might seem that all I say is Jesus this and Lord that, but I don’t want you to miss anything God has for us, especially not Jesus when He comes. You are that important to me.

Remember there is a sinner’s prayer here. Tell those that are lost, or say the prayer if you have strayed away from the things of God, or you know that if the trumpet were to blow today that you are not ready to go. I want you to be ready; I want US to be ready!

Did you put your armor on today???

Be Encouraged Today!!!

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