Thursday, May 27, 2010

Simple Enough, Right?

Hallelujah! Jesus is alive and is seated at the right hand of the Father! He ever lives to make intercession for us! Jesus is rooting for us to win, and win we can with Him as Lord and Savior!

Well Praise God! Have you ever heard or seen something so simple, so easy that you think everybody should be able to understand it. I know some things we have to hear more than once to get them/understand them, but there are some things so simple that it’s really a “no brainer” or at least it should be. With my daughter, I’ve explained to her that she shouldn’t push her brother; don’t push your brother, and you won’t get into trouble with Mommy. Sounds simple enough! Now, yes I understand that she is ONLY three (3), but Angie’s is a very smart little girl. She understands that when she does this, pushing her brother, it doesn’t make Mommy very happy, and that she has done something wrong. I know she knows this is wrong, because as soon as she does it she apologizes and prays for her brother. Though this is good, it doesn’t dismiss the fact that it is wrong, and we are working with her to not do this anymore; that coming to tell Mommy that Dorrien is destroying your princess castle and having Mommy remove Dorrien is a much better way of dealing with the problem. She does come tells me, and I remove Dorrien from the princess palace, but she doesn’t always do this. But because she is three (3) and is still learning, we give her a little room for improvement, but this is unacceptable. I know that they are siblings and are going to have their little spats, but we are not going to take action that could hurt the other. But unlike my daughter, we are not three (3) years old. We have been taught, and we can understand.

It’s the same way with God and us. Living for God is so simple. If you can read, it is SO SIMPLE. But why oh why do we make it a difficult task; why does it seem so hard to us sometimes? Simple, it’s this flesh. It wants what it wants when it wants it. When I lived in Georgia, the Krispy Kreme Donut’s sign would come on to let you know when the donuts were hot – right off the press. When I had a taste for them, I just had to have them - knowing I love that slender, fine body of mine that I worked so hard for would suffer some. I didn’t need a dozen of donuts, but I WANTED them – and I had them. Now it sounds simple enough – stay fine and slender - don’t eat a dozen of donuts. Simple right? I understood this; I knew the outcome of eating this much this often (and no, I didn’t get “fat”, but I gained unwanted pounds).

It’s the same with God. To get the results or desired outcome of life, we must do the Word of God. Simple enough, right? It is written in black and white sometimes red; it’s an opened-book test – we shouldn’t fail. But it’s this flesh that we have to deal with that gets us into trouble. Just like with my daughter, she has to come to place where she can control herself; where she can stop herself from pushing her brother. We have to bring our “flesh” in line with God’s Word – renew our minds to the Word of God – READ THE WORD OF GOD! Simple enough, right? WE, Christian adults, have the Word of God and also the Holy Spirit who is our helper; He helps us to bring our “flesh” (eating, lying, drugs, sex – whatever) in line with God’s Will/Word for our lives. Simple right!

Everything that we need is in God’s Word. If we will seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness, then all the things we desire will be added to us. God want us to prosper and be in health even as our souls prosper. The level your soul has prospered in God is the level you will prosper in life. I always pray that my family’s souls are prospering. This should be the important thing – our souls prospering in Christ. To whom much is given much is required. But it’s all outlined in His Word in simple terms. And even if you don’t quite understand His Word, there are commentaries and knowledgeable people that know and can help you understand. There’s no excuse. I personally like things outlined for me, no wondering about what I need to do – no worries. The Word of God can “fix” anything. We have the Holy Spirit to help us beat any bad habit not pleasing in God’s sight. Now don’t get me wrong, I understand that it rains on the just and the unjust alike; that tests and trials happened to us all, trust me I know. These trials have made me stronger! My trust level in believing God can perform His Word on my behalf has increase! That is a good thing! Did I like the trial – NO, but I’m glad it came. We have to come to the realization of that which is found in one of my daughter favorite books, God’s Creation. At the end it states that there will never be anyone greater or more powerful than God. We all have to come to this realization. There is nothing we can go through that is too hard for God to deliver us from. We can’t get too far gone that His hand can’t reach to pull us up and out! There is nothing IMPOSSIBLE for God! NOTHING! You have to have faith that God can do it - whatever "it" is, and trust Him no matter what! Truly our Father God does knows best!

We Christians have enough understanding or enough understanding available, through pastors or somebody, of the written Word of God. No excuses! Living our lives for God CAN BE SIMPLE, if we will make up our minds/settle it, that we are going all the way with God. Once you have made up your mind that you are going to walk this walk with Christ to the full – all of it, God will equip you with all you need to walk through successfully. Do your part - Build your faith, your TRUST in God by getting in His Word. And then – DO THE WORD OF GOD! Simple enough, right!

Time is running out! Are you READY?? It will have in a moment, in a twinkling of an eye!

Did you put your armor on today???

Be Encouraged Today!!!

Remember there is a sinner’s prayer on this site. If you pray this prayer, please contact me so that I can welcome you to the Family of God.

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