Monday, May 31, 2010

The Left Behind Series - Be Ready!

Oh how happy I am when they say ‘Let us go to the House of the Lord’. I am so very thankful, so very grateful that I know Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior. I love the peace of knowing that no matter what goes on in my life – God can and will make a way of escape. He is more than able to see me through and to bring me through VICTORIOUSLY! Many are the affliction of the righteous, BUT GOD delivers us from them ALL! I appreciate the Father so much! We should tell Him and show Him more than we do.

I am reading the Left Behind Series (authors Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins), and I just love these books. I just want to say “Thank You” to my wonderful husband who has bought me the second set of five books (6-10) for Mother’s Day. I have finished two (2) of the five already. I know I am late reading these books, and I’ve seen all the movies. And yes, I do understand that this series is a work of fiction, and that these are characters in the books, but I’ve taken this journey with them. I find myself thinking and sometimes weeping at all they are going through – if only they had listened not “played” church. I rejoice with them when one of their loved one comes to the Family of God.

I count it a privilege to know and serve Jesus NOW! Yes it is my hope, prayer and belief that we, who truly serve God, will be RAPTURED before the tribulation. Do I know this for sure? No, I do not. No man knows the day or the hour, not even the Son, only the Father. I do know that it is not His will that any should perish. Like I said, I believe Jesus will return before “all hell” breaks loose. I was speaking with someone about pre-tribulation and post-tribulation and we both believe in a pre-tribulation (rapture), but also agree that no one knows.

If you are like me a “pre-tribber”, then NOW is the acceptable time to receive Jesus as Lord and Savior. I would not want to go through the Tribulation as I’ve seen it in these books. Like I said, I know that this is a fictional series, but they have based it on prophesies and scriptures of the Bible. The Seven Seals Judgments, Seven Trumpets Judgments and Seven Bowls Judgments are real and come from the Bible. So yes it is fiction, but you do not want to go through any of these Judgments or not be able to buy and/or sell, having to survive and live in secret every day, or having to take the mark of the beast. This is the Word of God not just something they, the authors, made up. You think you are going through some persecutions now, there’s no telling what will happen to those who become believers after the Rapture of the Church. I’m here to encourage you to get your life right with God NOW, make Jesus your Lord and Savior NOW, and live your life for Christ NOW! Get your house in order NOW! Now is the acceptable day of the Lord! Why take the chance and gamble with the eternity of your soul??? In a perfect world, everyone would go to Heaven or maybe a Heaven wouldn’t be needed if it was perfect, but it’s not. There are going to be some who will go to hell. I pray that you, as well as for myself, that we have settled it! We are going to serve God no matter what, and keep ALL of His commandments; that we are going to go ALL the way with God.

You know what, it doesn’t matter whether you or I believe in a pre-tribulation or post-tribulation rapture, what does matter is that we are READY! The only thing I can think of that would be “good” about a post-tribulation rapture is that no one should be able to deny that Jesus is the Messiah, and that the Word of God is the Truth! No one will have an excuse for missing the Rapture. And even if this were to happen, there would still be some hold-outs; some who would still not believe. No one can get you ready, but you. I am doing all I know to do to be ready; I don’t always do and say the right things, but I love the Lord with all my soul, heart, spirit and mind, and He love me – He loves us all. I will be ready, and I want you to be ready. I wish there were some “magic” words I could say that would cause everyone to understand the importance and the urgency of having a real relationship with God! If you are a reader, I highly recommend this book series- even if it’s only for entertainment. They, the books, will keep the Rapture of God’s and the consequences of those left behind in your mind. Should prompt you to make sure that things are "alright" between you and God. But you will find yourself on pins and needles wondering how are they going to get out of this one, and what else could they possibly go through next. I can hardly put them down! It really is a good read.

Get Ready! Be Ready! The Rapture will happen in a moment in a twinkling of an eye (as fast as you blink), and we who belong to Jesus will be changed in that twinkling of an eye. Make sure you are among those. I am!

Remember there is a sinner’s prayer on this site. You can pray this prayer in the privacy of your home; God can hear you and will receive you no matter where you are physically or in your life. God loves, and He wants you! If you do pray this prayer, contact me. Let me welcome you into the Kingdom of God!

Did you put your armor on today???

Be Encouraged Today!

Thanks to those who serve/d and gave their lives in order for me and my family and this great nation of ours to have the life we enjoy today! Thank You!

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