Monday, June 21, 2010

Servant of All

If you don’t think God has a sense of humor, well check this out! One of my heart’s desires is to be more like Jesus. I thank God for working in me every day. Well sometimes towards the end of the week, I can get a little tired. Being a stay at home mom is a joy, but it is also hard work. It seemed like everyone wanted something and all at one time. I told the Lord ‘Am I everyone servant?’ All I heard was ‘Well, you ask that I help you to be more like Jesus, and He was servant of all.’ Ok, not what I wanted to hear. I literally laughed out loud! I don’t know why God thinks He’s so funny; I guess because He invented it! Smile!

One thing I know, in order for me to be “servant of all”, I have got to walk in love. Now, I have come a very long way, but probably have twice as long to get where I should be, where we all should be, in Christ. One thing I never wanted to do was to work with the public (in any fashion). You really have to have the right attitude and a love for people. It’s not that I don’t have these qualities; mine are just packaged differently (smile). But God has worked a love for people souls. I have this strong desire to see souls won and lives changed. Not that I didn't want this before, but a desire has been placed there. This task of winning souls include my "working" with the public. Everywhere I go God has put on the inside of me a "sensory" to do, say and think the way His Word tells us to. People are looking at you, but even more so when you proclaim the name of the Lord. Now I don't always do everything right, but God knows my heart, and it is to please Him in anyway I can. Walking in love pleases the Father.

I have mellowed out in my “old age”, but more than that, I have gain spiritual wisdom, settled it in my heart that I am going all the way with God and that in all I say, do and think to be pleasing to God. My encouraging others pleases the Father, my casting down every imagination that exalts itself against the knowledge of God’s Word is pleasing to Him (doubt and unbelief starts in the mind, and if you don’t cast them down, line them up with God’s Word, then you will speak it out of your mouth – into being – manifested. You shall have what you say - good or bad; our words have power). So say what the Word of God says who you are, what you can do and what you can have. The enemy tried to plant a negative seed in my mind that I am unappreciated. But I know that my husband and children appreciate all that I do. I hear them when they say 'Thank you' or 'Honey, I appreciate you.' But the enemy will try to gain entry anyway he can. Don't let him. I refuse to let him in. He is a liar and a defeated foe, and I thank God for reminding me that I should have a servant's heart. I thank God for restoring my joy of taking care of my family every time I need a refresher. Sometimes you just need to be refresh. That's why we take vacations from our job; we need to be refreshed. It's the same way in our personal lives too. Let the Lord refresh you, and to show you the right perception of the thing you are dealing with. I love taking care of my family, but the enemy tried to use the thing I enjoy, and turn it into a negative thing. Good thing I know know he's a liar, and nothing he says is the truth. Only God's Word is our truth. I don't care what the facts are; I am only interested in the truth, God's truth.

We have all been commissioned to preach the Gospel of Christ, so we all should have the “servant of all” attitude – especially those in the five (5) fold ministry. We should all shrive to more like Jesus, but it comes with a price, some humbling, some discipline and a whole lot of love. The first step to recovery is acknowledging that you need some help/work in this area – I am acknowledging (smile). God is completing the “good work” He has begun in me. He is the author and finisher of my faith.

Are you asking God, the Holy Spirit, to help you to be more like Jesus? You should; we all should. There is no better example of how we should live and act than the life of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!

Did you put your armor on today???

Be Encouraged Today!!!

Remember there is a sinner’s prayer on this site. Tell someone! God can and will hear you from where ever you are. Let me know if you’ve prayed this prayer. Let me welcome you into the Kingdom of God!

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