Saturday, August 1, 2009

Christian's Don't Get A Day Off!!!

Hello All:

I know that you all are blessed of the Lord and cannot be cursed. Keep standing firm on the Word of God and see the Salvation of the Lord. I thank God that He is ever ready to listen to us, guide, deliver, and protect us. God has never taken any time off; He doesn’t slumber nor does He sleeps. Being a mother of two (2) means that I don’t get a day off from being mommy, but my husband is there to lend a helping hand, relieving me now and then; but every day, all day, I’m mommy! I can’t wake up and say ‘I think I’ll just be Shan today; no mommy duties for me today’.

The same is true about the Christian. You can’t be a Christian one day, and the next you’re living the way the world does. If you’re doing that, then chances are you are “lukewarm”; in which case, God is going to spit you out of His mouth (not my words, but God’s – harsh). Christians don’t get a day off. Every morning you wake up, you make a choice to be Christ-like; you know, a Christian. You live at peace with every man as much as you can (the rest, ask the Holy Spirit to help you), you pray and confess God’s Word, read God’s Word, etc. You know..... do the things that Christians do.................

As a mommy, I never get to take that hat or title off; it’s with me everywhere that I go. But I’m proud to be a mommy, and I’m proud to be Christ-like, a Christian. I won’t and I don’t hind my light as a Christian under a bushel; I let my light so shine for the entire world to see. And in those areas that God is still dealing with me on, I ask the helper, the Holy Spirit, to help me where I haven’t grown/matured yet in Christ (those areas where I don't always do What Jesus Would Do (WJWD). I know you look at me and say ‘Surely she’s perfect’, but no, I have areas that God is still working in me. I’m not perfect, but I do strive towards perfection in Christ Jesus. He’s working in me every day; he’s given me a desire to keep all of His commandments and power to do that which is pleasing in His sight (this is the Word of God, and I confess this over me and my family everyday).

I know that some situations, circumstances, tests and trials can make you want to back-up, cave-in and give-up. I tell you as a mommy that potty training can be frustrating; but when my two and a half (2 ½) year old is not cooperative; I don’t say “That’s it! I quit!” I may feel like saying that, but I don’t. My mom always says “Don’t let your set-backs set you back”. What?! When my daughter sets on the potty good two (2) days in a row, and the third (3rd) she decides she’s not going to sit on the potty, I’m not going to let that one day set me back (I’m not going to let that stop me from potty training her); I’m going to keep putting her on the potty. And she is potty trained in Jesus' name.
So don’t let the things that are going on around you stop you from making a quality decision to be Christ-like each and every day. Make an honest decision to do as Christ would do. Keep striving to be the best Christian you can be, and ask God to help you with the rest (He likes it when we're honest with Him; it's not like He doesn't already know anyway). Get up and make the choice to be Christ-like every day.

Did you put your armor on today???

Be Encouraged Today!!!

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